Admiration to Detestation

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As of now, panic ensues between Y/n's friends and the ones that care about him. Team RWB has been looking for him when they saw some of his friends in the cafeteria. There they saw Pyrrha and Ren.

Ruby: Guys! Have you seen big bro?!

Pyrrha: Y/n? No why?

Ruby: He's missing!

Pyrrha/Ren: What?!

Weiss: You have an idea of where he is?

Ren: No we didn't even know he was missing.

Blake: Well we gotta...

Before they could spring into action. The intercom went off.

Ozpin: Will all the students please enter the theatre.

Ren: Let's just go for now I'm sure Y/n's fine he's tough.

They reluctantly nodded as they head to the school theatre. There we could see the entirety of Union Academy. In front of them were the Headmasters of U.A alongside the General who stood by a massive screen. Surprisingly the parents could be seen there also.

Ruby: Mom?

Summer: Ruby!

The Roses hugged each other in a tight embrace as the students along with their parents could be seen in the massive theatre.

Summer: Where is your brother?

Ruby: I don't know mom the last time we saw him was when we helped him get to Ozpin's office. I'm getting really worried mom.

Summer: Don't worry my little rose I'm sure he's fine

Ozpin: Greetings U.A students and parents. I am Headmaster Ozpin.

Ironwood: I am General Ironwood.

Nezu: I am Headmaster Nezu.

Sirzech: I am Headmaster Sirzech

Superman: I am Headmaster Kent.

C.A: And I am Headmaster Rogers.

Ozpin: Today we will be showing you an example of what we simply do not tolerate in this Academy. Recently there has been an incident regarding a student.

The crowd began to murmur.

Ironwood: This student has committed the crime of murder and we would like to make him an example of what villains should be put through.

Ironwood: This student has committed the crime of murder and we would like to make him an example of what villains should be put through

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The massive screen opens to show a familiar boy with dark brown hair and dull emerald eyes. His face seemed to be covered in blood. Instantly everyone went wide-eyed recognizing the boy. Of course, the reactions were different.

C.A: What is the meaning of this Ozpin?

Ozpin: You see Steven this is a public execution.

Everyone was shocked though a certain group of people took it differently.

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