Welcome to U.A

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(A/N: I have finally returned home so expect some uploads on the rest of my stories once again. Time to get back in my groove.)

(A/N: I have also decided to hold off on this book for a while after this chapter so I could focus on the others. Don't worry this book is not discontinued.)

3rd POV

Union Academy "birthplace of heroes, huntsmen and people that affects change." At least that's what they claim but a few knowledgeable individuals know of the occurrences behind the scenes. The few that know the truth of "Union Academy" and what the people the run it really is like. The ones that call themselves "heroes" are the ones that cause the most damage. There are very few individuals that know the true meaning of being a hero. Speaking of U.A we could see a certain silver-eyed redhead looking out the window with a bored expression as she continued to demolish the cookies for her recess with her team.

Weiss: Slow down you dunce!

Blake: You might choke Ruby calm down.

The red reaper swallowed and pouted as she turned away with a huff with her arms crossed.

Ruby: But Blake, Weiss... THEIR COOKIES!!!

Suddenly she got bonked on the head by the heiress as the Rose rubbed her head and pouted again.

Ruby: Weiss that hurt!

Blake: It had to be done Ruby, besides why are you eating so much?

Ruby: I can't help it I'm bored!

Weiss: Then study and do your homework.

Ruby: That's even worse!

Blake: Alright now tell us why you're actually acting like this.

Ruby: What do you mean Blake?

Blake and Weiss just have dead-pan expressions as Ruby slowly withers from their gazes.

Ruby: Ok fine! I just... Wish big bro was here.

Now it was their turn to look down in sadness.

Weiss: I know we all miss him. Though I am glad he's alive and well.

Blake: But he did say he would visit us sometimes so that's good right?

Hearing this Ruby looked up at her teammates with a cheery expression.

Ruby: Your right! Thanks, you guys! You two are the best big sisters ever!!

Weiss/Blake: You're welcome Rubes.

They say as they smile at each other before conversing about other topics. Unknown to them that they were heard by a certain blond-haired brawler who tried to hold back tears as she looked down in sadness.

(A/N: Ever since the incident Ruby started seeing Weiss and Blake as big sister figures.)

The "sisters" continued to eat their meals when they were joined by Pyrrha and Ren. They were conversing when more and more people started sitting near them. Spanning from some Sona's peerage right up to the Young Avengers. With an aerial view, you could see that the cafeteria had a clear split like the equator on the Earth. One side was the ones that supported Y/n one that hated him.

Suddenly the massive doors to the cafeteria opened to reveal...

Suddenly the massive doors to the cafeteria opened to reveal

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