U.A here we come

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(A/N I plan on cancelling "Light in the Darkness and rewriting "Force of Nature" what do you guys think?)

3rd POV

U.A and the Siblings of Supremacy we're currently staring each other down with Darkseid's decapitated head in Y/n's possession. They were about to leave when Y/n heard a familiar voice.

Ruby: Y-Y/n?

He looked to see Ruby with wide eyes trying to hold back tears.

Ruby: I-is it really y-you?

Mercury: You know her big bro?

Ruby: B-big bro?

Jean: How do you know Y/n?

Jean says with her hair starting to float as she was being enveloped with her orange aura only to be stopped by Y/n.

Jean: What are you doing?

Y/n: Stand down.

Jean: But...

She received a pat on the head making her calm down and blush as the other sisters look on in jealousy with Mercury trying not to laugh but overall they stood down and let Ruby get close.

Ruby: Am I d-dreaming?

Y/n just held out a hand for her to take when she heard yelling.

Yang: Ruby stay away from him!

Ruby: Shut up Yang!

Everyone was shocked but could not say a word as Yang was hurt and about to cry. Ruby went closer to Y/n as she took his hand making her eyes get even wider as she looked up at Y/n who had a small smile on his face as she started to cry tears of joy.

Y/n: Hello little Rose.

Ruby: Big Broooooo!!!!

In an instant, she wrapped her arms and legs around Y/n's tall figure enveloping him in a hug as he returned with a tight hug of his own. Everyone's jaw dropped as the sister's eyes were twitching and Mercury was just smiling. U.A could not believe what they were seeing the "weakling" kill Darkseid and a bunch of parademons without breaking a sweat. Questions began to go around their minds. How did he live? How much has he changed? Who are the people he's with? How strong has he gotten? The questions would have kept going if not for his other siblings.

Wanda: You must be the sister he talked about. One of the few that cared for him from that horrid family he came from?

Ruby only nodded as she continued to cry into her long-lost brother's chest.

Wanda: Well we would like to thank you what's your name?

Ruby: R-Ruby.

She said quickly as she was now being cradled by her Big Bro.

Jean: I'm Jean

Wanda: My name is Wanda.

Rachel: I am Rachel.

Pamela: Just call me Pam.

Caitlin: You can just call me Cait.

Her eyes glowed

Frost: Frost is the name.

Cinder: Cinder.

Neo: I'm Neo I like ice cream.

Raven: I'm called Raven.

Emerald: Hi I'm Emerald.

Mercury: I'm Mercury Y/n's favourite little brother.

Y/n: You are my only little brother.

Mercury: That doesn't mean I can't be the favourite.

The siblings laughed with Y/n having a small smile and Ruby smiling widely. Unfortunately, the wholesome moment was interrupted.

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