Time to Decide

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"You didn't give up," Kit's voice sounded both annoyed and pleased. It was strange, the conflict of emotions. Emotions were the most confusing thing about a person for themselves and everyone around them.

"Of course not," Ty said, looking around. He was sitting on his couch, his legs pulled underneath him as he sipped his tea and analyzed the map in front of him, which now lay on the coffee table.

"I'm behind you."

Ty didn't turn around but felt Kit leaning over his shoulder to look at the map on the table. Kit then came around the couch and sat down next to Ty, putting his arm around the other boy. Ty narrowed his eyes but didn't tell him off. Kit smiled at him and he shivered.

"Found us yet?"

"No," Ty said, staring down at the map. Nothing marked the physical map, because they had been expecting Kit. Ty kept it all in his head. "But I will."

"No, you won't," Kit said, tapping his fingers against Ty's shoulder.

"I'm getting closer," Ty said.

Kit hummed softly. "Are you?"

"Yes," Ty said loudly as if the volume would make it more true.

Kit didn't say anything, before shrugging and running his fingers up Ty's neck and into his hair.

"What are you doing?" Ty asked, as a shiver ran down his spine. If he didn't know better he would have set his heart was beating faster. He was consciously aware of Kit's body is a way he hadn't been before.

"Feeling your hair," Kit whispered. It was dark in room, because night had fallen while they were talking. His whisper sound have been creepy, it was dark and he was being weird, but instead it sounded... Ty wasn't sure how it sounded. "Is it bothering you? You want me to stop?"

"No," Ty said, knowing it was a lie. It was bothering him in ways he didn't understand.

Kit was threading his fingers gently through the soft strands of Ty's hair and it was sending shivers up and down his spine.

"Stop," Ty said, panicking and Kit quickly pulled his fingers away.

On one hand, Ty could finally breathe again but on the other, he regretted it. Because when he looked over, Kit was gone, no trace of him left behind besides the memory of his still fresh in Ty's mind.


"He came back?! Again?!" Julian asked. "But you don't have anything new? Anything at all?"

"It was dark," Ty muttered.

"What was he wearing?"

"I... don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Julian," Emma said, pulling her boyfriend away from Ty. "Calm down. It's fine."

"Weren't you paying attention?" Cristina asked, curious not angry.

Ty shrugged. "I got distracted."

"By what?" Julian asked, calmer but suspicious.

Dru snorted and they all looked over at her. "What?"

"Why'd you snort?" Cristina asked.

Dru avoided everyone's gazes. "I just... I have a suspicion. A deduction."

She leaned forward, looking intently at Ty. He was watching her with narrowed eyes.

"I think he likes pirate boy." Everyone looked over at Ty, who tilted his head.

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