Across The Ocean

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Bang. Bang. Bang. The clang of the gangplank as Kit bounded aboard grinning ear to ear.

Lily perked up at his apprentice. "Captain?" She said in a lilting tone.

"Set sail," he yelled as the crew stared at him in disbelief. "That foolish detective is gonna follow us." He giggled in disbelief as Lily whooped, throwing her fists up in the air.

"Hey, that foolish detective is my brother you're talking about," Helen yelled, a slight frown on her face. "What happened?"

"Set sail!" Kit shouted again. "He's on his way if I had to bet so there's no time to waste."

And there wasn't time to waste. They set off as soon as they could. Wind to their backs as they faced the rough sea ahead. Their destination was the island closest, a big trade town was the only town that resided on its land so Kit figured they could grab some supplies there, leave a few clues for the boy he had kissed only hours before, and set off to the mainland. Once there they could plan a way to get a hunt set up. Kit felt giddy at the thought. Could only think about what would happen when he caught up with them. Lily had been right. He had gotten way to attached to the boy very quickly.

"Soo," Lily said sliding over, the buckles on her belt clanking against the sword at her hip. "You gonna tell me what happened or?"

"I kissed him!"

Lily slapped him hard on the back. "Get it!" Her expression turned to one of visual confusion. "Okay, so why are we running?"

Kit flushed. "I said the kiss was all the more reason to find us."

Lily smacked him in the shoulder. "You flirt! I never knew."

Kit bit his lip, before shading his eyes and looking out at the sea. "When he finds us, I'll consider being... with him I guess? I don't know romance stuff okay? I understand the chase. When you want something bad enough you'll do anything to get it." He smiled. "Including crossing the ocean. We can figure out the rest of it when he finds me."

Lily sighed. "You had him kissing you and you ran?" She threw her hands up in disbelief and yelled to Helen across the deck," GUYS ARE IDIOTS!"

"PREACH!," Aline yelled back, answering for her wife with a smile.

Kit ignored them while continuing to stare out at the ocean. He could only imagine what Ty was doing now. Frantically rushing to go after him? Methodically planning how to? No matter. He would be there soon, chasing him across the seas to be with him. And Kit was willing to wait for him as long as it took. 

this one is much much shorter then the other chapters but im working on the next part which should hopefully match the word counts of the other chapters :) 

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