CH 2

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The maid was bound with her hands behind her back. Many bruises were on her body, and two palmprints were on her cheeks. She had presumably been taught a hard lesson by the whole Estate after the incident, her clothes and hair both similarly in disarray, and then had been pushed into a kneel. That she was delicately-featured was dimly recognizable.

“What’s your name and surname?” Tang Fan asked.

“This maid’s name is Ah-Lin.”

“Explain tonight’s situation in detail.”

She voiced the whole story whilst sobbing in bursts.

What she said had gone on truthfully differed very little from what Zheng Fu had said. The only difference lied in her repeatedly claiming that she hadn’t done anything at all with Zheng Cheng in his room.

Zheng Ying laughed coldly. “You’ve spared no bit of effort for the sake of shedding yourself of blame. I’ll ask you this; why did you, a servant of the front courtyard, run off to the back courtyard for no reason, then pass by the complex of the Eldest Don? That was a clearly-arranged plan to aim for a higher branch and turn into a fenghuang! Who could’ve known that now that he’s dead, you’d be in a hurry to want to say that you had no sort of relationship with him?! When I rushed in, the both of your clothes were disheveled, and even Zheng Fu said that he had stood outside for a stick of incense’s time, at the minimum — you still dare to claim that nothing had happened yet? Do I have to make someone come here to give you an inspection before you’ll be willing to tell the truth?!”

“You are as brilliant as a mirror, Marquis — the Young Lord and I were truly innocent!” Ah-Lin sobbed out. “After going in the room, he first said that he was hot, and started to take off his clothes, then through that, he said he was dizzy, so I helped him to sit down. We said some things, and after all the talk, he suddenly collapsed onto me, and after… after that… Zheng Fu broke down the door to get in!”

Zheng Ying was disinclined to vie with a young maidservant, so he looked at Pan Bin. “Take a look, Sir Pan. This bitch of a maid won’t acknowledge her crime even unto death. It seems that I’ll have to bother you with stepping forward!”

“Rest assured, Marquis,” Pan Bin quickly answered. “If the good Don’s death actually does have something to do with her, this humble official will enforce the law impartially.”

Zheng Ying was obviously somewhat dissatisfied with that perfunctory-esque answer.

Pan Bin sent a meaningful look to Tang Fan.

“Are there any discrepancies in what Ah-Lin just said?” Tang Fan asked Zheng Fu.

“This lowly one isn’t clear on what happened after the Young Lord and her went into the room, but everything else fits.”

“How long was the interval of when you went out to call for help and then came back?”

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“Around a quarter of an hour.”

“Did anyone ever come during this time period?” Tang Fan then asked Ah-Lin.


“Marquis, where is Don Zheng’s body?”

“It’s right in the room.”

“I’d like to go in and examine it.”

“Please do, Sir Tang.”

At this moment, the coroner had also finished hurrying over, so Tang Fan went in with him.

They pushed the door open and entered. The interior was still in complete disorder.

The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty (ENGLISH TRANSLATION)Where stories live. Discover now