CH 18

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Tang Fan sighed. “Lady Sun, no matter the reason, a murderer must pay with their life. Karma being a cycle is a principle you should always be aware of. You’ll be coming back with us to the bureau!”

She smiled distantly. “Pay with my life? Why is it that wicked people never get any retribution for their wickedness, but instead force good people to set to task in killing them, resulting in that good person being punished for the crime? Sir Tang, you do actually enforce the law impartially, but if you arrest me, won’t your conscience be ill at ease?”

“However Zheng Cheng’s moral character was is no justification for your murder. If you didn’t like him, you could get an annulment. Why the need to commit such an evil act?”

It was like she had heard some kind of joke. “Annulment? Count Yingcheng’s and Marquis Wu’an’s Estates were joined in marriage; if he wasn’t dead, how would I ever be allowed to get an annulment? Count Yingcheng is my uncle, but if I hadn’t taken it upon myself to kill Zheng Cheng, the Sun family wouldn’t have quickly helped me deal with the aftermath out of fear that I would implicate them! Even all the money used for Feng Qingzi’s house purchase and self-redemption had to be scraped out of my dowry! Don’t you understand that I could only be free if he died?!”

Her face turned ferocious. “I know that I had never done evil deeds, from my youth to my adulthood. I had wanted to be in perfect harmony after I got married, imitating the mutual respect of ancient peoples. But after all that, the Heavens set me up with Zheng Cheng; how could I not resent that?! I fully put up with a man like that for five years! Even one look at him made me sick! If you want me to plead guilty, forget it! Death can’t wipe out his sins! It’s good that he’s dead, hahaha!”

Her laughter hadn’t yet stopped when her figure suddenly moved, and she threw herself straight at the nearest pillar!

“No! Catch her, now!” Tang Fan shouted.

Sui Zhou reacted quickly, immediately stepping forth to grab her.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

When Lady Sun had come in, the men and women had to be kept separate; even though they were in the same lobby, Tang Fan and Sui Zhou were both relatively far away, while her present movements were the utmost of determined.

In the opinion of someone that held the resolution to die, there was nothing that could stop them.

Sui Zhou could only clutch a corner of her sleeve, but because her charging speed was too great, the sleeve instead tore off, not curbing her momentum in the slightest.

With a muffled bang, her body fell limply to the ground alongside the pillar.

Her skull had split open, brains flowing out together with her blood, red and white. The ferocity of the force used was self-evident.

She passed away on the spot.

Marquis Wu’an was stunned by this scene, unable to move from his chair.

All of the servants stationed outside were in uproar. Screams and shouts flooded the whole courtyard.

Nanny Cui rushed over, only to catch sight of Lady Sun’s corpse. She threw herself forward, wailing and howling.

“All of you… all of you forced the Missus to her death! Ever since she married into the Zheng family, she made visits to her in-laws on the daily, trembling in fear; when had she ever done wrong? Yet how did all of you treat her?! Zheng Ying, you’re an old bastard, and Lady Liu is an old hag! Neither of you taught your son properly! You won’t have good deaths! You won’t!” In her inconsolable grief, she paid no attention to inferior and superior statuses, pointing at Marquis Wu’an and soundly cursing him.

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