CH 3

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After some more exchanges of pleasantries, Pan Bin got up to take his leave. Right before their departure, Tang Fan said to Zheng Ying, “Marquis, this matter is beyond the norm. For the sake of convenient examination, we hope to be able to take away the body of the good Don.”

Zheng Ying’s brow furrowed tight. He was evidently not too pleased. “Is there no other way?”

“To discover the cause of his death, this is where we need to start.”

“He’s the eldest son of I, Marquis Wu’an. How could he be treated the same as an ordinary man? His body will be kept at the Estate, and his displayed coffin will immediately be buried on the seventh day.”

The implication being: if you can’t find out the truth within seven days, my son won’t be able to wait that long, and will have to be buried.

Before Tang Fan could answer, Pan Bin said, “Of course, of course. The dead take priority, and it’s good for him to be buried and at rest. Restrain your grief and go along with fate, Marquis. We’ll take our leaves first, then.”

“Marquis,” Tang Fan said, “that maid named Ah-Lin, according to regulations, will also need to be taken to Shuntian Prefecture.”

Zheng Ying said nothing this time, bluntly waving his hand to have someone bring her and hand her over to a bailiff.

As soon as they left the Estate, Pan Bin scowled and scolded Tang Fan. “Runqing, you’ve really been too impulsive about things today!”

Tang Fan had a look of innocence. “Where did that come from, Sir?”

“You shouldn’t have said the latter of those words to him right then. Is there ultimately another reason for Zheng Cheng’s death? Well, that’s ultimately, too, nothing more than your speculation. What happens when you figure something out? Tell me, why did your attitude change so badly when he saw us off? He’s merely afraid that the killer is wading in his residence; at the time of his son’s death, he might have even been in contact with them.”

Tang Fan sighed. “Sir, if we sit back and observe without a care, I fear that will lead to a miscarriage of justice.”

Pan Bin was quite annoyed, thinking to himself, I gave you all these pointers, how do you still not get it? Zheng Ying’s own son died, and even he hopes to downplay this big event into something minor, so why would we work so hard for no reason? Furthermore, the Emperor will certainly have the thought to look after Zheng Ying’s feelings out of sensitivity for a meritorious official. If the Prefecture actually does uncover something at that time, it’ll only offend people.

Tang Fan was a bit exasperated, as well. Shuntian Prefects were truethird-rank[6] officials, no matter what one said, but Pan Bin was very timid, even being overcautious when investigating a murder case. It was little wonder that this gentleman had worked for so many years, yet hadn’t been able to rise further up from start to finish.

The two had dilly-dallied in the Estate for more than half the night, and when they came out, the morning drums had recently been struck outside, the number of early-rising pedestrians gradually rising. The air was still pervaded with the crisp chill of frost and dew that hadn’t yet withdrawn. Noticing that somebody had already set up a breakfast stall at the side of the road, Tang Fan smiled at Pan Bin. “Brother, working hard through the night should have made you hungry, too. How about I treat you to breakfast?”

Hearing him switch out the way he called him, Pan Bin’s originally cloudy mien nevertheless eased up some, and he felt his stomach rumble a bit.

Both of them were in plainclothes, so they weren’t eye-catching at all.

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