CH 17

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The old woman was already more than sixty, her head full of gray hairs. Her age and physical strength were evidently not enough to allow her to move very fast, but she still used the entirety of her effort to do so, feet going at flying speed. Passing through the dense courtyard, she was very soon gasping for breath, her forehead giving off sweat.

“Oh, Nanny Cui! Where did you come from? Here, wipe your sweat off!” Shan Cha had lifted the curtain to come out from inside only to catch sight of Nanny Cui’s sorry state, promptly taking a handkerchief out of her lapels and passing it to her.

This woman was a first-rate celebrity at the Missus’s side, having been sent over along with her dowry. Even the Head Maid couldn’t offend her.

However, Nanny Cui seemed to have not noticed Shan Cha’s goodwill, directly asking her, “Is the Missus up yet?”

Shan Cha looked a bit put-off, but smiled anyway. “She is, just did. If you have something to say, allow me to go in and report it for you!”

The other had an anxious expression. “No need. Since she’s already awake, I’ll just go right in!”

With that, she didn’t wait for Shan Cha to speak, lifting the curtain and going in.

Behind her, Shan Cha stomped once in resentment, then followed.

Entering the room, Nanny Cui saw a young woman seated before a dressing table, holding a mirror as she looked at her own reflection. Behind her was a young maid that was in the middle of slowly combing through her hair.

“Missus!” Nanny Cui hurried over, not stopping for a breather.

Lady Sun turned her head. Seeing how Nanny Cui was, she was somewhat surprised. “Shan Cha, Shao Yao, both of you go on and retire,” she ordered quickly after.

Both maids simultaneously affirmed, then withdrew.

It wasn’t like Nanny Cui didn’t see the displeased look in Shan Cha’s eyes before her departure, but she wasn’t in the mood to bicker with a little maid over trivial affection rivalry. Seeing the two leave, she deliberately went over, shut the door, and then completely stopped concealing her own fretful appearance.

“Missus, they arrested Feng Qingzi!”

Lady Sun’s combing hand paused. “Who are ‘they’?”

“The Northern Bastion Office!”

Lady Sun mumbled to herself unintelligibly.

“You know as well as I that the Brocade Guard’s methods are the most abominable!” Nanny Cui said, worried. “I’m not sure that they’ll be able to pry something out of her mouth, but if that time comes, it’ll be terrible!”

Yet, Lady Sun was a lot calmer than she. “When did she get arrested?”

“Just yesterday.”

“Missus! Missus!” Shan Cha’s voice came in from outside.

Nanny Cui swiftly wiped her tears and stood, turning her head to call, “What is it?!”

“The Marquis sent someone to invite the Missus over, saying that there was something that needed to be asked!”

Nanny Cui’s expression completely changed. “Missus, did he find out…?”

In contrast, Lady Sun had the sort of calmness born from planning to make a bad situation worse. She turned around and stroked the hair beside her face in the mirror. Currently, mourning apparel had to be worn for Zheng Cheng, so everyone in the room was wearing it. This manner of dress was plain, yet she took a jeweled hairpin off the dressing table, put it in her hair, and asked Nanny Cui, “Is it on straight?”

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