Prologue Part 1: Discovery

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⌊28/02/2007; 9:45 A.M⌋

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mission Control

Inside a dimly-lit room, rows upon rows of monitors could be seen, whilst a horizontally large screen is attached at a wall in the center of the room. All of them display the current progress of different missions, ranging from data still being collected from the Voyager Probes to various minor missions which are not of particular interest. Though, there was one mission that astrologists are currently viewing the progress on, that mission being the New Horizons mission. It's current mission would be to visit Pluto and its moons, as well as visiting some space objects in the Kuiper belt. The spacecraft is currently flying by Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system.

Though, during the flyby, the probe immediately lost connection with mission control. The team behind the mission began troubleshooting the problem. Minutes went by and there was still no connection between the probe and mission control. They desperately tried to establish a connection, only for it to not work. After hours of trying and failing, the problem suddenly went away....all by itself. After a few seconds, a single image was received by mission control.

When they looked at the image, they were surprised. Audible gasps were heard inside the room. They may have preparations for every possible error or problem that the probe may encounters, yet nothing could prepare them for the figure that the New Horizons had taken a photo of. The operators at mission control began questioning among themselves as to what that....figure is and how it go there

"What the hell?" one member of the New Horizons team exclaimed.

Soon after, the situation was reported to NASA's higher-ups, who themselves reported it to the government. An investigation conducted by both NASA and the CIA soon followed afterward.

⌊29/02/2007; 10:10 A.M⌋

White House (Oval Office), Washington D.C

Inside the Oval Office, two figures could be seen, one of them being President McKinney, current president of the United States of America, while the other an agent from the CIA. Jack McKinney was elected as president in 2005 at the ripe old age of 50. He mostly has white hair, due to his old age. His eyes have black pupils and brown irises. He also has a standard body fit, one perfect for a man of his age. He is currently wearing a black suit with red tie, black pants, and black shoes and white socks, an attire that's fitting for a president.

Yet, in all his 50 straight years of living, McKinney couldn't believe his eyes on what he is currently seeing. 

A photo on the president's desk showing what seemed to be a large, seemingly advanced spacecraft that is looking towards the probe itself. It's appearance follows a somewhat wedge-shaped design, though that does not seem to worry the President at all. What does worry him is the presence of some sort of field in the background of the vessel, possibly some sort of protective system designed to stop projectiles from kinetic-based weaponry. The field only appearing in the background indicates that the probe maybe inside the field itself, along with the unknown spacecraft. He is also worried at the amount of external weaponry present along both of the vessels sides and its center. At the ship's bow is a large opening, seemingly designed by those who created the ship. McKinney looked closer for a bit to see what was inside the opening. He found that inside it was a massive cannon, one that looked larger than it's external weaponry. Judging on how much space it took up in the ship's opening, one could speculate that a single shot could decimate a part of a city the size of New York, possibly even the entire city itself.

"Are you sure that this photo wasn't edited or tampered with?" The President asked the agent. He wanted to make sure that the image he was seeing did come from the probe itself and not from some prankster who decided to troll on a US government agency. 

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