Chapter 2: Great Naval Battle of 2039 (Part 2)

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⌊A/N: Here is the second part of the previous chapter! I am not the original creator of the image shown above. I just found this on Google and edited it. All rights go to its respective owner.⌋

⌊This chapter has been slightly edited⌋


⌊24/03/2039; 10:57 AM⌋

40 km From Fleet of Fog Warships, Atlantic Ocean

"*continuous beeping* Missile.......Missile.......Missile"

"COULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT!!" Pvt. Gordon screamed in anger.

The Coalition Fleet's fighter jets that have been sent to intercept the enemy fleet are in a dire situation. Only 35% (114) of the original 325 aircraft remain. Swarms of missiles threatened to shoot down the Coalition's aircraft as pilots attempt to evade or shake off the threat. Some would not be successful.


An SU-33 was shot down. It's burning wreck plummeting to the ocean down below.




3 F-18s soon followed the SU-33's descent into Davy Jones' Locker. More and more explosions rang out as flaming wrecks of what was once majestic flying metal beasts descend from the heavens.

Pvt. Gordon desperately tries his best to evade the incoming missiles. His body is screaming at the sheer amounts of G-forces from his maneuvers. He knew that to continue the mission right now would be suicide. Yet, he also considers the fact that if the mission failed, then the enemy fleet would sink the Coalition Fleet unopposed. By now, only 5 of the original 17 x-48Ds remain. He quickly makes a decision. But before he could act on that, he would first need to evade the missiles that are chasing him. Gordon immediately does a high barrel G-roll and successfully evades the threat. He then attempts to contact his wingman.

"Lebowski! Can you hear me!" Gordon yelled.

There was no reply.

"LEBOWSKI!" Gordon yelled, this time a lot louder.

This time, a reply came immediately afterwards.

"<<<<10-4, buddy!>>>>" 

"I'm going to continue the mission!"

"<<<<But that's suicide!>>>>"

"I'm not planning on dying today man! Besides, if we fail now, then our fleet could be dragged into serious danger! I'm telling you to cover my back while we escort these drones!"

"<<<<Don't do it man! I don't want to see you getting killed!>>>>"

"We have no choice!.......If I get killed by those machine bastards...tell my family, I love them!"

"<<<<Gordon!? GORDON!>>>>" 

With that, Gordon pushed the throttle forwards, activating his afterburners. He speeds off with his trusty F-35 Lightning, getting close to the remaining x-48s in order to continue the mission. He checks his radar to see if any more missiles are coming from beyond the horizon.

Soon enough, another wave of missiles was picked up on the radar. Gordon swallowed his fear and pulls his control stick to the left, maneuvering his aircraft to the direction. The x-48s all do the same, each going to a different direction in order to evade the incoming missile swarm. 2 missiles soon followed Gordon's aircraft. Gordon could feel the adrenaline coursing throughout his body. His heart pounding faster and faster as he pulls another maneuver. The extreme G-forces are tearing his body apart, yet he continues on, ignoring the nauseating feeling from pulling of that maneuver. The 2 missiles miss him completely and explode somewhere relatively near him. He felt the shockwave from the explosion, strong enough to make him think he was hit.

Mechanica Damnatio (A Mindustry X Arpeggio of Blue Steel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now