Sparks Beginning 💛💙

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(This Is How I'd want Jailey To become canon in TMF basically? I think it make the most sense if it happened something like this. The one shot I'm writing would be like a way more detailed version of it tho.)

Very much FLUFF

Jake POV

Today, is July 4th 2021 and It's been 8 months since the competition. (In TMF, I'm assuming The competition took place around November due to multiple factors in the show) 8 months since we won, and showed everyone who doubted us who we really are, and what we can be.  I was able to apologize to the club for my recording, and luckily after some time, they all accepted me back. It was a really happy moment for us all, and to be honest, I don't know where I'd be today if I they didn't forgive me.
(Bear with me yall, I'm trying to give some back story so this makes sense ok)

I also ditched Drew, and the others a few days before. It was hard , but I knew I couldn't stay friends with such toxic people. Plus after what I found out they sent the recording, it would've been foolish for me to stay with them anyway, Regardless if I'd have friends after or not.

Anyway, enough about the past. We're in the present now! Your probably wondering what we've been up to. We'll after we won the competition, we started getting weekend gigs all around town! Everyone wanted our band to play at their events and we started making a little money off of it too. It's summer now, and our bands gotten real popular in town. So popular, we got asked to play at the July Festival this year in Rose- Meadow park! And that's where we are right now, waiting for our time to perform, and enjoying the festival while we're at it.

(I'm gonna switch Jakes tense to be more of a past tense in a way so uh just a heads up!)

"Woohoo! Can you guys believe it? In just a few minutes, we're going to be playing at our towns biggest festival of the year! We're basically celebrities now!" Milly bursts.

"Heh ha! I wouldn't say celebrities, but It is pretty cool how many people we'll be playing for!" Luke replies.

I've barely taken it in myself. Just months ago I was an insecure teen, hiding my real passion just so I wouldn't be made fun of,  but now I get to express that passion, my true feelings without the fear of being judged any longer. And more importantly, with these guys: My best friends.

"I for one, can't wait to get on stage! It makes me really happy that everyone wants to hear our music! I can't wait to share our songs with everyone!" Says Sean

We all nod in agreement.

Zander speaks up. "And I can't wait to blow everyone away with my amazing piano playing!"

"Heh! Sure! That's if they're not already blown away by Me and Haileys amazing singing first. We'll mainly my voice anyway!" I tease

"Oh yeah?" She replies? "Who says they won't be so caught up in my voice, that yours won't be anything more than a faint whisper to theirs?"

"Hey!" I jokingly yell

We all share a laugh. "Jeez, with the way you two act, you can barely tell your supposed to go and duet! It seems like you both will just fight for the spotlight! Haha!"

We all continue to talk for a bit. Then, Sean makes a suggestion. "Hey there's supposed to be a firework show a bit before our performance. If we hurry we could watch them, and make it back before our show."

"Hmm. I guess sitting here is a little boring.." Zander says.

"Ooh fireworks! I'm in!!"

"Me too!" Me, Hailey, and Luke all say in sync

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