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"That's all for today. Make sure to submit your report by Tuesday. I'm going to fail anyone who fail to submit it before 8 a.m.," I finally done revising the class that I've recorded before. It's my way of studying since the class is really boring I can't even stay focused. So I recorded it and find a time to revise the class.

My eyes widened as I saw a familiar figure sitting next to my table, right in front of me. It's Park Jihoon. Since when did he's been here? I'm too focused on listening to the lecture through my headphone. I didn't even realised when he arrived.

I'm trying not to make it too obvious but I can't help but to steal glances at him. He look so fine too today. How is he really good at dressing up? His style is really my preference.

I didn't expect to meet him here. This café is not so popular among the students in our campus because the owner always chased away the customers who make too much noises.

This café is very quiet and calming. Even the songs they chose are very calming as well. It's a great place to get focus and finish my tasks other than the library. Not to mention, their coffee is crazy good as well.

As what I've been observing, Park Jihoon is the type that will be among the loud crowds. That's why having him coming to this quiet place is quite surprising.

Maybe it's my luck today that I can look at his face directly. I'm trying my best not to smile like a fool because the fact that Park Jihoon is sitting across me, at the table next to me of course, make me really happy.

He's now playing with his phone. I can see the buzzer on his table indicating he's waiting for his order.
Is he coming here alone? What that he ordered? Did he always come to this café? Did he enjoy coming to this café? I'm curious.

The buzzer on Jihoon's table suddenly buzzed. He stood up and walked toward the counter, leaving his bag on the chair. I'm going to watch over his bag until he come back. Well. It's not even necessary.

Not long after that, Jihoon's back to his table after picking up his order. It's a chocolate drink and a piece of cake. That cake is one of the best seller cake in this café. It has been viral for past few days.

Jihoon is the type that tried viral food? I need to note that as well.

I pretend that I'm doing my work when Jihoon already sitting. Because he's sitting facing me, I don't want him to noticed that I'm looking at him.

It looked like he's playing with his phone again. And now, he's taking some pictures of the drink and the cake after he adjusting the position.

Cute. Is he the type that taking picture of foods before eating? Anyway. It's still cute.

I'm still stealing glances at him. When he looked like he's focused on his phone, I took out my phone and tried to take his picture, secretly.

I tried to do it as natural as possible so I didn't get caught by him. He looks so fine. I took some picture of him while hoping he didn't notice it.

Suddenly I got a notification from my Instagram account. I opened the application.

It's Bang Yedam tagging me on a story. He posted a short video of him and Junkyu with a caption.

'Operation taking out a snorlax for a walk, succeed. Where should I took him next?'

Yedam tagged me, Asahi and Yoshi. I replied his story telling him to come to this café if he wants me to buy him food.

Before I exit the application, I saw that Jihoon just posted a new story. I quickly open that story. It's a picture of the foods he ordered that he took just now.

But the caption make my heart dropped.

'If you're late, I'm going to finish this all by myself'

So, he's not here by himself. He's waiting for someone. I clicked on the account he tagged. I know who this person is. Ahn Yujin. She's pretty famous in our campus.

He's waiting for Ahn Yujin. Are they're close? I scrolled her Instagram posts. There's some of the posts that she tagged Jihoon. They even posted a picture together.

I go back to Jihoon's Instagram profile. Looking for any posts with Yujin. There is some of it. They really look close. So, I got no chance since the very beginning

Love that I can't even hold at all

"Jihoon-ah. Sorry I'm late," I heard someone said. It's Ahn Yujin. She look even prettier than in the pictures. His table is not so far from me so I still can hear them even they're not talking too loud.

"I was going to eat that," Jihoon said.

"You've promised to buy me," Yujin said with a cute sulking voice. "I still impressed that you manage to buy this. I bet it's sold out already by now,"

"When I ordered it, they only have 3 slices left," Jihoon said proudly. Cute. Jihoon then stood up. "What drink you want to have?"

"Green tea latte for me," Yujin said. "Thank you,"

"Okay," Jihoon said. He walked toward the counter again. I glanced at Yujin who's now taking the picture of the cake. The way they look happy while taking the picture even looked similar. Yujin then starting to enjoying the cake. She's so pretty. They suit each other very well.

Oh, I'm the only one who'll get hurt

I should just stop having this weird feeling toward Jihoon I guess. But can I stop having crush on him?

I let out a heavy sigh. Now I can't focus on anything. Either on my assignment or Jihoon. I got distracted a lot. Even though I'm wearing the headphone, I didn't play anything.

I just want to hear what they're talking about. I don't want to hear it but I want to know what they're talking about. The fact that they're talking like they're really close make my heart aches for some reason.

If I keep on being acting like this, I'll just get hurt more, isn't it? I tidy up my things, getting ready to go home. No matter how much I want to look at Jihoon's face, I just can't bear the fact that there's someone else acting so chummy with him like this.

Yeah you'll hurt me

Suddenly my phone rang. It's Junkyu calling. I picked up the call.


"Don't you dare to go home after telling us to come if want you to buy us food," Junkyu said on the phone. I almost forgot about them. I looked around. How did he know that I'm going home?

Then I saw Junkyu and Yedam standing outside of the café through the glass wall. Junkyu's face looked like he's sulking but angry at the same time. I chuckled because he looks cute and funny at the same time.

"Alright. I'm not going home. Come in," I said.

Well... I need to endure it a little bit, I guessed.


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