Him? Or...Him? P5

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Christina POV

I rushed home, wanting to know what was wrong with my son, who was in August's care.

I used my house keys and opened the door. "August!" I yelled closing the door.

"In Elijah's room!" he yelled back. I threw my purse down and ran up the stairs. I walked in the room to see August standing over Elijah's crib. I looked down at Elijah, who looked perfectly fine. He was giggling at August. I smiled then picked him up from his crib. I gave his cheeks kisses.

"Now what was wrong ?" I asked looking at August.

"Oh, ya son. Sum wrong" he said. I laid Elijah back down, but on his stomach so he could sleep.

I walked out the room and August followed behind me.

"He looks fine to me. What happen"

"Naw none major ma" he chuckled. "His uh, boy parts are tiny asl. He inherited that shit from his lil dick ass daddy huh?" he said laughing.

I laughed then slapped his arm. "First of all, why are you looking at my baby's privates. He's only 5 months..And second, his daddy is not little. Shut up"

"I had to change him cus he had the bottle and was shitting. Now yo ass know, if he was my son, his shit would be on anaconda. "

I laughed at how slow August actually was. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. August sat on the couch.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Yes, starving"

"Okay" I said taking out some chicken to fry. I took out a box of macaroni and a can of corn and sweet peas. August turned on the TV.

"Your hoes waiting on you?" I asked him.

He looked over at me. "What?"

"Your hoes. You been here all day long, they waiting on you at your house?"

He chuckled. Then he stood up and walked in the kitchen, leaning against the counter.

"I choose you over my hoes any day" he said, leaving me in thought.

I looked at him and smiled. Then he walked to me and kissed my forehead. He went back on the couch, watching the playoffs.

"Christina" he said.


"Can I spend a night?" he asked. My eyebrows shot up.

"Spend a night? While D'Angelo not here? And -"

"I'll behave ma. Just wanna make sure you and Elijah okay all night long"

"I'll think about it" I said. He didn't say anything back.


August POV

After dinner, we sat on the couch watching tv. It felt so...weird. It was lovely though. I'm not use to actually being around her....and not fucking.

It was 10:47 PM. Her son was sleep.

"Christina" I said.

She looked at me, "Yes?"

"If we would've went on dates, and talked, and became close..You think you could've been with me?"

She sighed. "Well, I don't know, possibly. Thats what I wanted when we first met. I said I wanted to talk and go out and things. Even at that time, I wasn't even fully in a relationship with him. But, you made it clear to me you didn't want any of that."

"Why you think I didn't want none of that?" I asked.

"August you told me. You said you wasn't for the relationships. You just wanted sex and see if it lead to more. Then I gave it a while, and we never became more, so I just let it go...Knowing sex was the only relationship we'd ever have"

I sighed. I did say that. I regret it. Seeing her with somebody else, and have a child and about to get married, hurt me. Now lets be honest. How would you feel if the only person you loved, loved someone else?

"Im sorry about that Christina. I hope you don't think I used you for sex because I didn't. "

She nodded. "I know. "

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.

"You know, I wish I could go back. These hoes aint cutting it. "

I heard her take a deep breath. "August don't start"

I looked at her. "I do, seriously. I can't even be mad because I did this to myself. I can't control my feelings for you"

I moved closer to her. "Prettiest girl I've ever seen" I said pushing her hair behind her ear. "Can I kiss you?" I asked looking at her lips.

Christina POV

I closed my eyes as August's soft lips came in contact with mine.

My mind was telling me nooooo, but my body..was telling me yessss.(😂🆗)

He looked me in my eyes before moving to my neck, where he placed soft kisses. I licked my lips.

His hand touched my thigh, giving me chills.

He gently pushed me back on the couch. He started sucking my neck, but not to hard to leave any hickeys. I let out small breaths at this pleasure. This was exhilarating for me, especially since D'Angelo and I haven't had any sex in 8 in a half months.

It felt like all my stress went away with each thigh rub he gave me.

"I...I...I" I stuttered out.

He looked at me. He reached down and kissed me and bit my lip, earning a moan from me.

"You do things on purpose" I whispered.

He smirked. "Trust me, I know every thing that turns you on"

I bit my lip. "You really think so?"

He nodded. "I know so, don't tempt me"

I chuckled. "Whatever you say"

He leaned down to my thighs. He kissed my inner thighs then gently bit. I moaned.

He looked up at me smirking, "Oh you don't think I know?"

I bit my lip then nodded. "Okay okay, you know"

He smiled, "Like I thought"

Then he kissed me again. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes tight.

"Okay, go upstairs and go to sleep" he said.

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because I'm already horny. And I...I don't wanna get too horny where I can't control myself...And we end up fucking. And you later regret it and say it was a mistake. So take your ass upstairs" he said.

I sighed, knowing he was right. I can't do it again to D'Angelo.

I moved from under him and stood up. I took a breath. "I know I shouldn't want you. For the sake of my relationship with D'Angelo.. God knows I shouldn't want you. I know this is wrong, I know it...Lord forgive me, But...August..." I closed my eyes.

He looked at me.

"Be the best mistake I've ever made...Come upstairs with me.."


Part 6 coming. Maybe 😎😘

*Possibly Turn Into A Book❗

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