Name: Michelle
Imagine: You're at home on a Saturday and about to clean up. As you were starting, you got a phone call from an unsaved number.
"Hello?" you asked.
"Is this Mrs. Michelle Alsina?"
You shifted weight to one foot. "Y-yes this is"
"Mrs. Alsina can you please come to the hospital immediately"
"Is there a pro-"
"Its about your husband, please get here as soon as possible"
Then the line hung up. You rushed and slipped on sweatpants and your gym shoes. You ran to your car and left the house.
"Where is my husband? His name is August Alsina" you said to the lady at the front desk. She nodded. "Ma'am can you have a seat we'll find h-"
Her eyes widened. She pushed numbers on the phone next to her, then she picked it up and put it to her face.
"Yes, Doctor.. We have a woman here looking for August Alsina..." then she looked up at you.
"Whats your n-"
"Michelle Alsina, I'm his wife". She repeated your name to the doctor on the phone. Then she nodded and hung up.
"Mrs.Alsina, the doctor is coming now to take you to your husband"
You nodded then stepped back looking around. You were getting anxious and worried.
"Mrs.Alsina!" You turned around to see a man in blue scrubs with a mouth mask and gloves on running to you. "Where's August?" you asked. He pushed his mask down.
He sighed. "Mrs.Alsina, your husband was shot " . You gasped and put your hand over your mouth. "Is-Is he going to be alright?" The doctor sighed again and placed his hand on your shoulder. "There was a direct bullet to his heart" . You started to cry softly. Then the doctor continued talking.
"The bullet didn't go through his heart. It punctured it, making a hole in his heart. The bullet's head is in his heart but its small. If we do surgery to pull the bullet out, the hole would be uncovered and he'd instantly bleed out from his heart. " You cried harder. "If we leave the bullet where it is, it could go deeper each time he inhales. I'm giving him 7 minutes or less to live. I'm so sorry Mrs.Alsina"
You started crying your heart out in the doctor's chest. "I need to see him" you sobbed out.
The doctor walked with you through double doors and down a hall until coming to a door.
You stood straight and wiped your face. "He's been saying Michelle ever seen he first got here. He's not aware of his little time to live however. He's conscious and can kinda speak." the doctor said . You nodded then he opened the door.
You cringed as you seen August laying in the bed with closed eyes. You sobbed but tried keeping it together as best as you could. You slowly walked next to the seat by his bed. You sat down and looked at him. Then you put your hand on his hand. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at you.
He faintly smiled. "Michelle" he whispered. You forced a smile. "Yes baby?"
He closed his eyes again. "Michelle" he whispered again. You inhaled before saying "August I'm right here". He opened his eyes a little.
"Michelle, my..... my chest hurts" he said as his eyes rolled back. You held your head down as you let the tears fall. You sniffled then looked back up at him. "I know it hurts baby" you said through tears. "Michelle" he whispered. You wiped your face on your shoulder. "Michelle....make this pain go away please" he whispered.
That sent you over. You let his hand go and put both of your hands over your face and cried out loud. You felt him touch your hair. You looked back at him. He smiled a little. "Baby why you crying? Don't cry" he said.
You tried to smile, but the only thing that would happen is more tears. You held his hand again.
"After my chest stops hurting, we....we gon go cream okay?" he said with pausing. You cried more. "No more ice cream August" you said lowly.
"Michelle" he started to whisper again. "Yes baby?" you said wiping your face on your shoulder again. "I'm getting really.....tired" he whispered. His grip on your hand started to loosen. He relaxed more into the bed. You looked at the heart rate monitor and seen it slowing down. Your lip quivered as you knew he would soon be gone.
"August I Love You" you whispered as you kissed his hand. Then yo stood up and kissed his lips, forehead and cheeks. His weakened eyes looked at you and he attempted to smile. "I .... I love....I love y-"
His eyes closed and the heart rate monitor flatlined. Doctors came running into the room. They pulled you back and you started screaming.
"AUGUSSSSSSSST!!!" you screamed and cried. They pulled you back until you were out the room. You kept screaming his name and crying. You fell to he ground crying. You felt arms pull you and you looked up and seen Travis. He carried you outside the hospital and to your car.
"Michelle please stop crying" he said hugging you with a sad tone. You kept crying. After a while you sat up straight and wiped your face. "I'm gonna go home Travis, thank you" you said with a smile. "You sure? I could drive you" he said. You shook your head no. "I'm fine, thanks"
You started your car and he stepped back. Then you pulled off.
You drove down the highway thinking. You hit your steering wheel as you cried. Then you pulled on the side of the road. You reavhed in the backseat and grabbed a notebook. Then you opened your arm rest and got out a pen .
As you drove back down the highway, you looked at yourself in the mirror then smiled. Your hair was now in a ponytail. You took one deep breath as you pressed your foot hard on the pedal and you let the steering wheel go. You closed your eyes as you drove right over the edge of the highway.
There were ambulances and police everywhere.
"Hey, Officer, its a note we found " an EMT said, handing him the note.
' My name is Michelle Alsina. Today, my husband died from a bullet to his heart. You won't be able to save me,but you might be willing to save my unborn daughter. I'm 5 in a half months pregnant. My family and my husband's family didn't know. We were planning to tell them next week. Her name was going to be Makayla A. Alsina. I'm sorry for causing chaos, but my life has drastically changed from the sudden death of my husband. Thank you and tell my family/friends I love them all. Tell my husband's too. Tell them we all love them. Goodbye from us, Michelle Alsina, August Alsina, & Makayla Alsina❤️ '

AugustAlsina Imagines.
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