Name: Erica
Imagine: Today's Easter and for the very first time, you let August pick out everyone's clothes. He picked out clothes for you, himself, your 4 year old son August Jr, and your 9 month old daughter Ava. He wanted it to be a surprise so you haven't seen the clothes yet.
"Baby go put this on, the shoes in the bag too " he said handing you a white squarish bag. "August you better not have us looking bogus" you said. He chuckled, "I won't Erica"
You walked into your bedroom and emptied the bag on the bed. You held up the purple dress to you. You had to admit, it was cute. He bought black suede heels too with silver jewelry.
You got dressed in the clothes. Then you put on the heels and jewelry. You curled your hair down and did your makeup. Then you got your black purse and stepped back in the front.
"Baby you downstairs?! " August yelled from upstairs. "Yeah, cmon so we don't be late Aug!" you yelled back. You heard shuffling.
"Erica turn around to the door. Don't turn around until I say so"
You turned around to the door. Then you heard footsteps walking down the stairs. You heard little feet too, meaning little August was with him. You heard Ava's little grumbling.
The steps got closer to you.
"Okay baby. Turn around "
You turned around to see big & little
August in matching purple white and black suits. Big August had a bowtie and little August had a tie. Ava had on the cutest purple tutu and dotted shirt and shoes with a purple headband.Your heart melted.
"Awwwwwwwww! Look at you guys. "
You bent down to little August. "Baby look at you, you look like daddy, you so cute" you said then kissed his forehead. Then you stood up and took Ava out August's hands.
"Ava Avaaaaaa. " you smiled slightly tickling her. "You look so cute Ava. Daddy dressed yall good" you said kissing her little cheeks. Then August took her from you.
"Im going to put them in the car. "
You nodded and they walked outside.
August POV
I strapped August in and put Ava in her carseat.
"August " I said to my son.
"Hm" he hummed.
"I'll be back, going to get mommy. If Ava cries, give her the bottle okay? "
He nodded then I closed the door. I walked back to the house.
I walked in to see Erica on the phone.
"Yeah.... No we're having an egg hunt in our backyard after church.... Yeah you can bring your kids.... " she said.
I smirked then walked behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.
"Yeah, okay.... We on our way to church now....okay.... See you later " then she hung up.
She turned around to face me. She smiled. "Baby you look really nice " she said. I bit my lip. "You look really sexy " I said grabbing her ass. She playfully rolled her eyes.
She pecked my lips twice then got out of my hold. She grabbed my hand and we walked outside.
Erica POVAfter church, we bought the kids back home and changed them to play clothes. Ava kept her spotted tshirt on. I took off her tutu, headband and shoes.

AugustAlsina Imagines.
FanficAugust Alsina Imagines. I take requests. Leave Comments