Part 17: Dream A Little Dream Of Me

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Montage song: The Passenger - Iggy Pop -

How had this even happened? Everything had been so normal not even that long ago. It was college and exam prep and now it was drug selling and surviving. It had been about a couple weeks or so since the surprise visit from Enzo in Danny's kitchen and ever since then any sense of the word freedom had lost all meaning. There was a strict routine and if it wasn't followed there would be extreme consequences. No was allowed to do anything without Enzo's say so and that was rarely given unless it might benefit him in some way shape or form. Milo and the others didn't feel like themselves anymore, they were now just empty shells of the people they once were. Teenagers trying to figure out their lives when the possibility and even the idea of living past 18 honestly now felt slightly hopeless. Despite not usually having the most power out of everyone around him, it was always clear that Milo knew how to control people and gain certain power when he needed it. However, ever since being under Enzo's iron thumb, he no longer had a chance to gain any sort of step up because whenever he tried Enzo instantly destroyed the metaphorical step or metaphorically pushed Milo back down. At least there were no longer anymore manhunts for Milo so he didn't have to worry about that as well. Like I said, it had only been around two weeks but already Milo was getting sick of how things were. He wanted and needed for them to change but he wasn't sure how to do that. That's where the strict routine Enzo had put in place came in.

By this point everyone knew how things worked. They would all meet up with Enzo at the location he told them to, they would collect a certain amount of drugs from him, they would proceed to sell the drugs over a decided upon span of time, and then they would meet up with Enzo again and exchange the money. They had basically just replaced Ryan and more than once they had been told they were already doing a much better job than him because they actually sold the drugs instead of just taking them and then throwing his own money at the problem. Occasionally they would get paid some of the money they earned from selling the drugs but it wasn't loads and it definitely wasn't anything near how much they had been earning when they were stealing money from rich people. That had stopped completely as well, no time to steal from the rich when you're trying to not get killed by a gang leader. How Milo was going to use the routine was this: Because it had been some time since they started and more than once they'd felt like they were on Enzo's good side, Milo assumed it had gotten to the point where Enzo or one of his many gang members didn't need to count how much money they'd earned because they'd just believe them when they said it was a certain amount. So, the last couple times they had been given drugs to sell and then met up with Enzo a few days later, Milo had been secretly taking some of the money from the cut they were giving Enzo. He was basically doing what he had been doing with the rich people except he'd transferred it and tweaked it so it worked with Enzo's routine. It was simple yet useful because now he was earning more money. Enzo was going to be the architect of his own downfall.

Intro song: Fidelio - Tom Hillock -

Cassie, Ani and Danny were all currently at college. They were wondering where Milo was because usually they all had a little debrief before classes started. They still had to be careful when it came to being seen together but nowadays they had to be less careful. It wasn't because Danny had been any less popular so he could hang out with the 'losers' or that Cassie and Ani had become any more popular so they could hang out with the 'cool kids', it was just because ever since Ryan's death and Charlie's disappearance everyone had been worried and scared something was going to happen to them as well. So, in trying to avoid that, everyone had started acting a lot more nice to everyone. Don't get me wrong, there was still an enormous amount of bullying and people still hated each other, it was just a lot more dialed down than it had been in the past. In some sense this was a good thing because they could all now have a conversation at one of the tables in front of the college rather than meeting behind the building where all the horrible smelling bins were.

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