Part 19: Touch Tank

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It was the same night Milo and Ani had had the meeting with Enzo and Gloria which meant it was also still the same night Cassie and Danny had attended Charlie's funeral and then gone to the celebration afterwards. Milo and Ani were no longer at the meeting since it was now a lot later on in the evening. They hadn't been able to find out much so that was a little annoying but they were also glad to be out of there and not scared for their lives for a little while. However, they were becoming increasingly worried about Cassie's and Danny's lives since they still weren't answering their phones and neither of them had been seen from in quite a while.

"Why the hell aren't they answering?" Asked Milo as he paced around the street they were waiting on.

"I don't know" answered Ani, biting her lip and looking at her phone.

"What if they're dead somewhere in a ditch or something?" Asked Milo, trying not to raise his voice.

"I don't know" answered Ani, repeating herself and now resorting to biting her nails.

"Where do you think they are?" Said Milo, finally sitting down next to Ani.

"I don't know" replied Ani for the final time and turning to face Milo. "I'm sure they're safe though. They're probably just sleeping."

Ani was sort of right and sort of wrong. Cassie and Danny were safe but they weren't sleeping. After the celebration had ended, everyone started to head home. Drunk and still slightly upset. Danny and Cassie had been dancing together most of the night and they didn't want it to stop just because everyone else was tired and had to leave. So that's when Danny suggested Cassie came back to his house and they could stay up all night doing whatever they wanted and trying their best to distract themselves from their subtle depression. Cassie had instantly agreed, not usually wanting to go home anyway and thinking sleeping in an extremely comfortable bed in a rich person's spare bedroom would be a lot better than her crappy bed with an ancient mattress. They made their way back to Danny's house, dancing and laughing as they walked. They were walking because where the celebration had been held wasn't that far from his house so they didn't want to bother waiting for a ride. Danny's parents had come home a lot earlier and therefore they had to try and be quiet as they made their way into the house, up the stairs, passed the master bedroom, and finally into Danny's bedroom. Cassie had obviously been in Danny's bedroom before but for some reason something felt different about it this time. She really started to get a sense of this being Danny's space. It felt different to the other parts of the house she'd seen, Danny somehow separating his room from the rest of the world and making everything seem quiet or nonexistent. It was hidden away and it was extremely private.

Cassie glanced back at Danny who was currently struggling to undo one of the buttons on the front of his shirt. She reached back over to the door and locked it slowly, not wanting any unwanted visitors. Cassie then made her way over to Danny and looked him in the eyes as she removed his hands and then proceeded to undo the buttons herself. Danny kept the eye contact whilst Cassie finished and then pushed his shirt past his shoulders, both of them smirking as it slid down his arms and landed on the floor by their feet. At the same time both of them leant forwards and connected their lips, instantly moving as one and fitting together as if they had almost been made for one another. No one was taking advantage of anyone because they were both just as drunk as the other, the consent was there it was just a little blurry. It didn't matter that much though because both of them wanted it. They continued to kiss, sometimes adding tongue and Cassie letting her hands run down Danny's muscular torso, whilst they gradually moved closer and closer to Danny's bed. Eventually Cassie felt the corner of it touch the back of her knees and then she felt herself fall backwards, landing softly on Danny's duvet and looking up at the person Cassie never thought she'd be doing this with.

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