Part 23: In For The Kill

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Before Milo was able to say anything else, everyone ran over to him and pulled him into a hug. It was the first time they were doing something like a group hug and honestly it was sort of weird. Everyone was thinking that but they were too happy to care right now. it was strange, Milo being here. It was almost as if they had all seen a ghost at the exact same time. However, it was clear Milo wasn't just some apparition or vision because they were touching him, feeling him physically be there with them. They all had so many questions, all of which they were sure Milo was going to answer at some point. For now though, they just wanted to know if he was alright.

"Please tell me you're alright" said Cassie, noticing a small cut surrounded by a bruise on Milo's forehead.

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry" replied Milo, smiling as Cassie, inspecting his wound more. "That's nothing, it doesn't even hurt anymore."

"Milo, we thought you were dead" said Ani, trying to catch her breathe.

"For second I thought I was dead as well" replied Milo.

"How are you here?" Wondered Danny, genuinely confused.

"What? Here in your bedroom or her as in still alive?" Countered Milo, laughing a little.

"Both I guess" responded Danny, thinking.

"Well I'm here in your bedroom because apparently its extremely easy to break in here" said Milo. "You should really get something done about that."

"Enzo said he got rid of you" replied Cassie. "We really thought you weren't coming back."

"Actually, where have you been for the past four or so days?" Asked Ani, intrigued. "Why didn't you just come straight back?"

"That'll all be explained" answered Milo, smiling.

"Possibly a better question: Why did you even come back?" Said Danny, raising his eyebrows. "Everyone thought you were dead including Enzo. You could have just left town and never come back, free of all this bullshit."

"True, I could have done that and I'd be lying if the thought hadn't crossed my mind at least once" replied Milo. "The more I thought about it though, the more I realised I couldn't leave you guys."

"So... what happened to you exactly?" Asked Cassie, all of them making their way over to Danny's bed and getting comfortable.

"Well, where do I even start?" Answered Milo, thinking. "I guess where I left off."

*Around Four Days Ago*

As the car Milo was sat in sped through the trees towards the cliff edge, drawing closer and closer, Milo actually began to stir awake. Perhaps it had been because the drugs he was injected with weren't as effective at Enzo thought, or maybe it was because he was being rocked about so much in the car, or maybe it was even because there was some higher being out there looking after him. A guardian angel if you'd like. Whatever the reason was, Milo's eyes started to slowly open and everything around him came back into focus. The lights covering the dashboard, the dark green blur of trees flying past the windows, the light from the moon shining through a small opening just ahead where Milo was most likely supposed to reach. The more Milo's body started to come alive, the more he realised something didn't feel right. He used what little energy he had recovered to look down and that's when he saw the bottle for the first time, wedged between one of his legs and the steering wheel so that it wouldn't move on its own. Milo felt a sudden surge of adrenaline and quickly whacked the bottle out of the way, sending it flying onto the passenger seat and eventually into the footwell. As speedily as he could, Milo grabbed ahold of the steering wheel and slammed his feet down on the break and clutch, gradually slowing the car down. However, since it was on a hill and had already gained quite a large amount of acceleration, there wasn't enough time to slow the car down fully before it reached the cliff.

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