Won't Listen

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while☺️
Rachel finally got enough strength to push mark off of her Rachel got up and ran to Ross and hugged him Ross pushed her off of him Rachel had tears in her eyes "Ross it's not what it looks like" Rachel said "save it Rachel how could you do that to me how could you hurt me like that" Ross said in a broken but angry Voice "Ross no it's not like that you don't understand i-" Ross cut her off "i don't even want to hear it" Ross said walking away tears rolled down Rachel's face while she ran after Ross she grabs his arm but he yanks it away "Ross please listen to me I love you what happen is not what you think please please let me explain" Rachel said crying as hard as she could "EXPLAIN WHAT! How you cheated on me betrayed me I thought mark was gone along time ago but I guess he stuck around for one thing I can't believe you" Ross said as tears formed in his eyes Ross walked off and called a cab and left.
I sat there crying my eyes out why didn't I just blurt out what happened why didn't I just say it ugh I'm so stupid he looked so hurt and broken Rachel thought I have to find him.
Ross asked the cab driver to take him to the planetarium he knew that was the last place Rachel would think to look for him as Ross was in the cab he thought I can't believe she did that after everything we been through she goes and cheats on me with mark just the thought of them too together made Ross' skin crawl he hated mark.
after searching for Ross for hours Rachel went back to the apartment when she came though the door she sat on the couch and started to cry then the phone started ringing and Rachel picked it up quickly "Ross" Rachel said "no it's Monica" said Monica on the other end
"Oh hey" Rachel said sadly
"Sweetie what's wrong" Monica said
"Ross" Rachel said starting to cry harder
"honey what happened" Monica asked
Rachel told Monica the whole story about what mark tried to do and when Ross walked in
"Aww honey that's terrible where's Ross?"
"I- I don't know he walked off" Rachel said still crying
"Ok honey you go take a nap I bet Ross will came back he loves you he just need some time...ok?
"Ok" and with that Rachel hung up and went to go take a nap.

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