The trouble Maker

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Ok I haven't updated in a really long time sorry I have a lot of stuff going on buhh this chapter is gonna start from a few weeks later
___________________________RACHEL'S POV
Rachel picks up the phone to call Ross it rings two times then he answers "hello" Ross says "hi honey" Rachel says "hey rach" "hey honey I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat tonight?" "sorry honey I can't I told Isabella we can go to a museum tonight you know kinda like a field trip" "oh umm ok" Rachel said a little disappointed "I'm sorry rach maybe tomorrow" "sweetie it's just that I barely get to spend time with you anymore I miss you it like ever since Isabella came you haven't had time for me" Rachel says on  the verge of tears "I know rach and I'm sorry I promise tomorrow night well will go out ok" Ross says "ok" "good now I have to go bye rach I love you see you when I get home" "l love you too honey bye" they hang up the phone then Rachel dials a new number "hello?" "mon?" "oh hey rach no this is chandler hold on ill get Monica" "hey rach" said Mon "hey mon" Rachel says in a sad voice "rach what's wrong" "Ross" "what what's wrong with Ross" "him and that slut Isabella" Rachel said in a angry voice "what they do" mon asked "he's been spending so much time with her Ross doesn't even have time for me anymore Monica it's crazy because I think she's doing it on purpose I think she wants Ross mon you should see the way she be looking at him"Rachel says "rach just calm down even if that was sure that she wants him Ross doesn't want her he loves you so much he wouldn't even think about doing something like that ok" well that's true thanks mon" "no problem rach now I'm tried I'll call you tomorrow ok" "ok" "bye rach" bye mon"

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