Where it all goes down

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Mark opens the door and see Ross standing their his face is red with anger and frustration "hi Ross what are you doing here?" Mark ask "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST TRY TO RAPE RACHEL AND GET AWAY WITH IT IM GONNA KILL YOU" Ross yells "Ross Rachel never loved you she loves me she only dated you because she feels bad for you because she knew how much you loved her and she didn't want to break your heart I'm sorry Ross but Rachel doesn't love you never has never will" mark says in a calmed voice "that's not true" a voice from the driveway yells both Ross and mark turn and look it was Rachel "Ross you know everything he is saying is a lie you know I love you" "Is it Rachel because if you loved Ross why did you kiss me back?" Mark says moving closer to Rachel Ross stands their in his thoughts trying to take in everything that is going on when Ross realize what's going on he sees mark grab Rachel and kiss her Rachel push him of "what the hell is wrong with you!" Rachel yells as she wipes her mouth Ross walks up to mark and punch him in the faces mark falls to the ground "don't you ever kiss my girlfriend again" Ross says "omg Ross that was amazing" Rachel says as she walks up to Ross and kiss him " I do love you" "I know I love you too" Ross says as they kiss again "can we go home" "yes" Ross and Rachel got in a cab and went home and cuddled up and went to bed.

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