Find my way back to you

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I wake up and i immediately think of Ross "he hasn't even called to tell me if he's okay or even to see if I'm okay" Rachel says to herself Rachel gets up and goes in the living room and calls Monica.
"Hello" Monica says
"Hey Mon have you heard from Ross I'm really worried" Rachel asks
"No but I'm sure he's fine Rach stop worrying"
"Monica how can you be so sure he could be dead in a ditch for all we know" Rachel says on the verge of tears
"Because I know my brother and he's not stupid he probably just slept with someone" Monica says
"WHAT!?!" Rachel says
"Oops what I meant is like at someone house he love you rach he wouldn't do that" Monica says
"Oh yea remember what happened last time when he thought I slept with Mark"
"Yea" was all Monica could say she knew Rachel was right
"Monica I have to find him"
"I know rach you will find him" Monica says
"Only question is.....where" Rachel says
"I don't know" Monica says and with that Rachel hangs up the phone. Changes and grabs her keys and heads out the door to go to the one place she did not look last night the planetarium.
I wake up on the floor of the planetarium and he immediately thinks about Rachel and what happened last night he sits up and just stares in the space not knowing what to do next but just sits there with a heavy heart that is just breaking as he remembers everything that happened an as he remembers everything that happened why? Why him I always knew she liked him Ross thought "did she really love even me at all" Ross said out loud
"yes" came a voice from the shadows
Ross look up and their was Rachel coming towards him Ross just look at her
"Yes I really did love you and I still do with all my heart Ross you have to listen to me nothing happened with me and mar-" Rachel was cut off by Ross
"Stop" Ross said he didn't even want to hear his name "Rachel you hurt me bad I never felt this hurt and betrayed and out of all people I didn't think it was going to be YOU who made me feel this way I-I can't even look at you because all I can remember is seeing him on top of you kissing you tak-"
"Wait" Rachel says sobbing
"No Rach their no wai-
"Wait" Rachel says again still sobbing
"What" Ross says then Rachel jumps on him and wrap her legs around him and kisses him passionately making him stumble back then Rachel breaks the kiss "Ross now please listen to me please" Rachel begs still on him "fine" was all Ross could say he was still stunned by the kiss. Rachel got off of him and told him everything that happened how Mark tried to rape her and how she tried to get away after hearing all of that Ross was furious with mark and with himself "I'm so sorry rach for not listening to what you had to say"
"It's ok Honey it's all good now" Rachel says "not yet" Ross says as he walks towards the door Rachel stops him
"What do you mean where are you going Ross"Rachel asks a little worried
"I'm going to find mark and when I do I'm going to kill him" Ross says
"Honey no don't it's over now I just want to go home and be with you" Rachel says giving him a peck on the cheek and hugging him Ross gave in "ok" he says "thank you now let's go home" Rachel says giving him another kiss on the cheek
When they got home they changed and went to bed in the middle of the night Ross got out off bed change and grabbed his keys and went out the door.

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