CHAPTER 1: The bus ride.

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----------------Claire’s POV------------------

“Claire! The bus is here!” My mother yelled.

“Okay! I’m coming!” I shouted back. I grabbed my bag and took one last look in the mirror; my shoulder length pitch black hair looked okay. For once my shirt matched my jeans and my all-stars looked alright. Ofcourse every girl must wear make-up, but I only had a dab of eyeliner and mascara on. I’m no Barbie, but hey, it’s better than nothing right?

“Claire!” My mother shouted again.

I ran down the stairs, quickly kissed my mother goodbye as she gave me lunch money, and grabbed a slice of toast, all whilst on the run. I was out the front door in a flash and just made the bus. That was a close one, I thought.

“Sorry.” I apologized to the bus driver.

“Next time I’ll leave without you.” He said in a teasing tone with a slight smile on his face.

“That’s what you said last time and the 3 million times before that.” I laughed.

“Hasn’t your mother ever told you not to exaggerate?” He teased.

I just smiled at him and laughed. I made my way down 3 rows to the left and sat in the window seat, my usual spot. The bus driver was a good friend, he never judged me… unlike the rest, it also helped that he knows what I am, and more precisly who I am.

Something small, wet and gooey landed on the back of my neck just as I sat. Voices behind me laughed as one guy said. “Freak!” Curses rang through my mind as I glared at the jocks and removed the spitball from the back of my neck. " Look who's talking." was my smart arse reply, that shut their traps. I know I'm different, but they don't, they dont know what I am.

The bus ride was the same, as usual, all the same stops and all the same faces… except for one. An unfamiliar face climbed on the bus, looking around for a place to sit until he saw the empty seat beside me. He stared making his way towards me, and just stood there… like he was waiting for something.

I looked up at him; he was kind of cute I must admit. He was wearing jeans and a plain t-shirt, the lazy, laidback look suited him. He had light brown hair, with dazzling green eyes, the type that you got lost in. He had a strong build. I could feel my heart jumping out of my chest. Last time I felt this way… no, I don’t want to think about it, the hurt and pain of the betrayal is too much. I won’t put myself through that ever again. I felt myself tense up.

“Can I help you?” I growled. He’s just like the rest of them Claire, I kept reminding myself.

----------------Tristian’s  POV------------------

I admit I was nervous, okay who am I kidding, I was a nervous wreck, but who isn’t on their first day at a new school. Hey, I should look on the bright side; I've gotten away from my past life, even if I am somewhat still connected to it. Like any regular teenager I climbed onto the bus thinking about what my first impression would be.  About three rows down to the left was an empty chair, next to a petite girl with short black hair and brown eyes. She wore only a bit of make-up, it worked for her. She might not realize it but she’s beautiful, or maybe she did but didn’t flaunt it, I Like that in a girl, I thought.

I made my way towards her, I was still nervous and at that point I didn’t know what to do, do I just sit down or ask first. Help, I thought as I swallowed a lump in my throat. She looked up at me; her gaze was intimidating but warm. But still, I felt like running out the bus door that just closed, I’d run right through it if I must. Deep breath, I thought.

“Can I help you?” she growled at me. Ouch talk about rude.

“Um… Hi.” I tried.

“Hi back. Are you going to answer me or just stand there?” she asked still scowling.

“I’m kinda new…” I started.

“Yeah I can kinda see that.” She interrupted. What a warm welcome into Queens high.

I cleared my throat. “As I was saying…” I continued, “I'm new and I was wondering… uh… if…”

“Yes?” she was losing her patience, and she was making that pretty clear.

“If that seat was taken and if not, could I sit there?” I blurted out so she wouldn’t interrupt again. Idiot, I'm a complete idiot, I must have sounded so stupid! Like a little kid that is trying to talk to their first crush. Okay now I was embarrassed. The way she looked at me showed that she agreed with my silent comments. She gave me a quick, single nod, and then plugged in earphones and looked out the window. This is awkward. I opened my mouth to introduce myself, even though I didnt think I made any noise I must of been mistaken because suddenly she snapped around and at the same time pulled her earphones out. “What now?” she scowled. Did her mother never teach her manners, it sure seemed that way. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

“I’m Tristian, by the way.” I kept my hat on but I was about to blow.

“Should I care?” she said sarcastically. Okay that did it I have officially blown.

“What’s your problem?!” I nearly yelled but I softened my tone, I didn’t want the whole bus to stare.

“I'm new to the school, and the first person I meet is utterly rude to me.” I kept my cool. “Well thanks a lot.” I finished.

She opened her mouth to reply but no sound came out. She turned away from me and stared out the window, searching for the words to say. Idiot, moron! I should apologize. I opened my mouth to speak.

“No please,  you have no need to apologize. It’s me who should apologize to you for being so rude. I'm sorry, I have a history with being teased and that is the first thing I expect when people talk to me. So I apologize.” She interrupted.

“No problem.” I answered. At least the ice was broken, I thought.

“I'm Claire, by the way.” She smiled at me, it was warm and welcoming, in the few minutes I have known her I didn't think she was capable of such a feat.

“That’s more like it.” I joked. A small laugh escaped from her lips and made me laugh. Yip the ice was defiantly broken.

We talked the whole way to school, it wasn’t a long trip but it wasn’t short either. It was about 20 minutes. It turned out she was in my grade but 16, a year younger than the rest of us. She skipped a grade two years ago. Her hobbies were ballet and kickboxing; well at least those were the ones she mentioned.

----------------Claire’s POV------------------

We were about 10 minutes away from school when we made another stop, and my worst enemy climbed on the bus. She was wearing a mini skirt, and the highest heels humanly possible with a low, low cut tank top. Walk past Megan, just walk past, I hoped. But she saw him, she had seen Tristian. Damnit, for once could she just accept she had a boyfriend and leave the other cute guys alone. When she got closer he half stuck her breasts in Tristian’s face.

“Anorexic Freak.” She said to me. It was a daily occurrence so I was used to it.

“Bulimic bitch.” I used my usual reply.

“What was that about?” Tristian asked me.

“Long story.” I answered. Not ready to share my past with him.

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