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Hey guys so this chapter I am very proud of as it is over 1000 words! My all-time record, so next upload will be longer hopefully. Thank-you all so much for just reading… I really and truly love you all. Anyways I want to say Happy Birthday to my awesome friend, you know who you are Z! :P It was his birthday last week Tuesday!

Claire’s POV

Panic raced through me as I ran downstairs to grab my cellphone where I left it on the kitchen counter. As fast as I could I punched in the number I knew all too well, my Guardian angel, I could hear the dial tone and then the phone was answered.

“Alex?” I asked into the cell phone, the panic clearly evident in my voice.

“Speaking.” Came the distracted reply of my older brother or, as I said earlier, my guardian angel.

“They found me” I stated in my panic filled voice.

“Who?” He asked, still distracted.

“The clan!” I yelled, frustrated that he wasn’t paying attention.

“WHAT!!?” He screamed, well that got his attention. I heard shuffling on the other end on the line.

“You heard me! The White Dragon so kindly paid me a visit earlier, I don’t think he recognized me, but he did leave in a rush after an arse whopping, but we have to leave, we don’t want the supreme to find me, who knows what he will do to the Rider who caused him the most inconvenience.“ I said.

“We are not leaving, that is what the clan will expect us to do, we will stay, get new identities. I will inform Don and Marlise of our identity change, new house, new background, new looks, new names. I will be there in 10 minutes, hang tight.” And with that he ended the call. Wait, what? We’re staying? Um… okay. Okay so Alex seriously confused me saying that we are staying here. But hey I can’t argue with him.

The Supreme, I enjoyed ruining the clan a year ago and now the Supreme will do pretty much anything to bring down the Rider of the light who brought him crumbling to his knees, but of course he thought he had killed me, afraid not, and it was The White Dragon who so kindly pushed me off that cliff and watched me fall to my doom. Little did he know that one of my Rider powers is flight, so that kinda helped in that situation, no harm from flying away from your death right?

I heard the front door open and nearly jumped out of my skin. “Claire?” I heard my name being called in a motherly tone. Thank goodness, it’s only Marlise, or my Mom. Well technically her and Don are my protectors but myself and Alex decided it was a good idea for their cover to be our parents and him my brother. So I have gotten into the habit of calling them mom and dad.

“Upstairs.” Was my reply.

“Honey, Alex called, are you alright?” She asked, well she kinda became my motherly figure as well so she actually acts like my mom.

“Just fine but a little shaken that The white Dragon would be the first to show up, usually the Supreme sends out the weakling first like the Blue Wolf or flying leopard, turns out he considers all Riders a threat.”  I replied. I really wasn’t that worried, I knew I was stronger than him the last time I fought him, now I’m even stronger than I was last time.

“I don’t think he knows who you are, he only knows of your one power, so he thinks that you are dead. Anyway, what is this stupid thing about getting a new identity then staying here?” she asked, I took it that Alex had told her his plan, and clearly she didn’t like it.

“Alex came up with this crazy idea that the clan would never expect us to stay in one place, rather that they’d think we would move.” I explained, “I think it will work, a new identity, a new look, a new name, I can be someone else.”

“Alright Honey, if you agree with it I guess it could work.” She agreed, “But the change happens today.” I nodded in agreement; I really didn’t want the clan swarming the front garden.

Ten minutes later I was riding shotgun with Alex as we went to get my hair dyed and extensions put in, we already had our new identity documents and the house matter was being sorted out by Marlise and Don at that very moment. I opened the document to review my new name, No longer was I Claire Hamel, I was now Jane Dean. Just a plain Jane, I liked that, Jane… Alex was now Aaron and Marlise was Michelle and Don, John. Strange how my name changed the most. Aaron decided that He would be joining me at School as my older brother ‘to keep an eye on me’. Pffft, he knew I was stronger than he was.

As we pulled up to the hair salon I made sure to check that my now Hazel contacts were on correctly, before I got out of the car. Walking into the salon the first thing that hit me was that smell, the smell of all the hair products. How I had learnt to love that smell, it meant a new life, a new name, a new me. I walked up to the front counter and examined the girl behind the desk, something seemed strange but familiar about her, she had short, pixie cut, blond hair with blue highlights, she couldn’t of been older than 18, she sat there chewing a piece of gum and her feet propped up on the desk, her light blue skinny jeans and killer heeled boots contrasted so strongly and her brilliant blue tank top just completed the outfit. But no, it was not her appearance but that strange light radiating off her that only others like me could see. She was one of us, a Rider of the Light.

“The light, it blinds those in the darkness.” I greeted her, she looked up, confusion on her face, then shock and then finally understanding. “So beware of the light, its stronger than you think.” She ended off the reply that only our kind understood the true meaning of. “How can I help you?” she asked. “Yes we made an appointment for Jane Dean.” I replied. She turned her attention to the dairy in front of her, scanning the pages. “Yes here it is.” She smiled at me, “Dye and extensions.”  “Yes that’s me.” I returned the smile, as we shared a look of understanding; she knew why I was really here.

After an hour and a half of my hair being bleached, died, highlighted and elongated, walked out of the salon as Jane, Claire had been left behind in that salon chair.  Walking up to the car I examined myself in the window, my hair was now a medium blonde with lighter blonde highlights reaching the crook of my back. My refection stared back at me,  I didn’t look anything like Claire Hamel, No-one would know the truth.

I looked over at Ale… no Aaron, he also went blonde so we would look more like siblings, he looked good if I must say so myself, but I would never date him considering that he was a good thousand years older than me. It was amusing to think that he would be joining me at school; the thought of him sitting behind a desk caused a giggle to escape my lips.

“What's so funny?” He asked with confusion in his voice.

“Oh nothing.” I replied suppressing my laughter, I couldn’t contain it any longer I burst out into a fit of hysteria. Aaron looked at me strangely, gasping for breath I attempted to explain myself, “You… *gasp*… sitting behind… *gasp* … a school desk… *gasp*…” I couldn’t finish my sentence because I burst into laughter again. Wiping the tears from my face I was finally able to calm my laughter and got into the car beside Aaron as he started the car and headed home.

Hope you guys liked it! I had so much fun brainstorming for this chapter! Any who, I know I am changing the names a lot but that’s because of the fact that that is her lifestyle. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and please leave a comment, I'm always up for constructive criticism :D

Thanks guys I really love you all.

♥ Keri

P.S please point out any errors so I can correct them, >.< tnx.

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