Chapter: 8

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Just to clear some stuff up.

§  Tristian is Dominic and the White Dragon.

§  Claire is now Jane, and has some history with the clan…

§  Alex is Jane’s Guardian angel/Brother and now known as Aaron.

§  Marlise is now Michelle (“Mom”)

§  Don is now John (“Dad”)

§  Tristan will remain Tristian but we know who he really is but Claire doesn’t… all I can say is DRAMA!

So I’m trying to make the story more unpredictable so can you please comment and tell me how I am doing :D tnx. Uh so funny story, I just realized when last I uploaded, *face palm* so I'm hoping to give you guys not one but two chapters this week and next, yip you heard it, two chapters. L  So I'm really sorry for the wait… but here it is…… Dum dum dum…. Chapter 8 of Outcast. Thank-you to all those reading this story, you guys are awesomely, epically…. Really how much cooler can you guys get.

Alright enough of my rambling. You guys rock =D Enjoy.

One more thing, dedication is to Sylar_dl because of his not so patient patience =p I’ve been meaning to upload The four: TSTW but I’ve been writing Outcast instead. Hehe, sorry Train Track/ Sparkles(He’s a vampire :P)/ Whatever whack names my Mini-me comes up with =D

And a big thank-you to my Bestie, Dale, for helping me come up with Rozlan’s name. Tnx to you too Eliyah and Daniel! You guys rock socks =P

Alright no more rambles…… Read my little fans…. Read *Wack evil laugh*




Seriously why are you still reading my ramblings =P Go…. Now!

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Jane’s POV/ Claire

I was standing in my room, no Claire’s room. I was no longer that girl, I was someone different entirely.  The room was empty, except for two last boxes in the corner full of my old clothes which were going to be donated. It was funny thinking that just this morning I was ditching school because I overslept, got attacked by the white dragon and Ale…. Aaron came up with his crazy plan.

Now standing here I had my new look, new name, new house (we were moving in tomorrow as it was weekend and unsuspicious, Aaron was very resourceful and managed to get a house far from this place but yet still only ten minutes’ drive from the school.) I was someone else. But after all these years of changing names and hiding, I was forgetting who I really was.

Without a thought I walked over to the right hand corner of my… no Claire’s room until I heard that too familiar squeak signaling that I had reached the spot. Kneeling down I carefully examined the squeaky floor board until I found the corner that I could lift to reveal the hidden compartment. Reaching in I found the box that tied my too who I was, the only thing, other than my powers, that reminded me exactly who I am. It was beautiful box made from a metal so rare, so beautiful, that it was only found where I was from. There were strange but beautiful symbols twirling around the box in a green hue, contrasting amazingly with the pearly silver of the metal. The box wasn’t too big or too small; it was around the size of the average shoe box, yet it held so much more than can be imagined. I yearned to open it, to feel the power against my own, but I knew if I did the clan would know exactly where I was, and exactly who I was. 

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