An enemy

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The boys looked at each other not knowing what to do.

"Oh how rude of me. I didn't even introduce myself.  I'm Malik. Nice to finally meet you guys." Malik said with a laugh and looked at the boys. 

"You can and will never have our powers!" Chan said and looked at the man sternly. 

"hmm and how are you so sure?" Malik said and the boys stood side by side, ready to use their powers. Their eyes change color and each has its unique color. 

Chan ~ white
Minho ~ gray
Changbin ~ red
Hyunjin ~ blue
Han ~ orange
Felix ~ purple
Seungmin ~ green
jeongin ~ yellow 

"We don't want to hurt you. If you leave us alone now, we won't use our powers!" Han said, looking at Malik. 

"Show me what you can do," Malik said, signaling his men to attack. 

The boys used their powers to disarm the men and bring them to the ground. 

Han used his speed to get the weapons out of the hands of the men while Seungmin stopped time to stop the bullets the men aimed at the boys. 

Changbin and Hyunjin also used their powers and pushes the men on the floor. Chan used his invisibility to beat up the secret agents undetected, and Felix electrocuted a few men with his powers. 

Jeongin formed a protective circle around the boys as a bullets flies at them and Minho teleported back and forth to distract the men while the rest beat them with their powers. 

The men were all on the ground except Malik who was standing ahead watching the fight.

He came closer and started clapping.

"I didn't think you were going to beat them so fast. Maybe I should find new people to work for me.' he said with a laugh as he looked at his crew. 

"Well, it was nice to see you but unfortunately I have to leave. I'll see you soon Stray Kids." Malik said and he took a smoke bomb from his jacket and threw it on the floor. 

The boys couldn't see anything because of all the smoke and when the smoke gradually disappeared Malik had already disappeared without a trace. 

The boys saw the men they'd been fighting with running through the woods and decided to go to their car. 

"Anyone who knows how to change a flat tire?" Minho asked, looking at the flat tire. 

The boys looked at each other and shook their heads. "Wait, I'll get someone," Han said, using his speed to get help. 

While Han went to get someone, the boys sat listening to some music. 

Felix, Chan, Seungmin and Jeongin got a spare tire from their car while Hyunjin, Minho and Changbin sat on the floor. 

"Hyunjin, are you okay?" Seungmin said  when he sees Hyunjin limping. The rest looked at Hyunjin and he nodded. 

"It's nothing bad. While we were fighting with those guys from earlier, one of them kicked my leg. It's not broken, but it's just hard for me to walk on it."  Hyunjin said and smiled at Changbin who wrapped his arm around his back so he didn't have to lean so much on his foot. 

After a while Han arrived with a car service. 

The man got out and replaced that flat tire in less than 10 minutes. "So, normally you have to pay 40 euros for a replacement of a flat tire, but because it's you guys it's free. I saw what you did with the collapsing building. You deserve to be called heroes! Keep the world safe guys!' The man said and after saying good-bye went back to his car and left. 

The boys also got back in the car and drove home. "Hyunjin, it might be a good idea if you put some ice on it." Minho said and looked at Hyunjin's leg to see if it's better. 

"It's still a bit swollen, but after a few days of rest and not moving too much, it'll be fine." Minho said, handing Hyunjin a bag of ice to put on his leg. 

"Let's watch a movie." Jeongin said and looked on Netflix to see what they could watch. 

"Omg let's watch Titanic. That's such a beautiful movie Felix said, and he and Chan re-enacted the familiar scene from the movie. "oh no no. If Rose could have just moved aside a bit on the  door, Jack would be still alive that's all I'm saying." Seungmin said and the others laughs.

The boys sit on the big couch and after a while they decided to watch Jumanji. 

After the movie, they decided to sleep and each one of them went into their room. 

The next morning the boys gradually woke up and went to eat breakfast. 

It was a quiet morning when their phones exploded from their app's notifications. 

"Guys turn on the news!" Chan said and Han turned on the TV and watched the news. 

"Hey, isn't that the Malik guy who tried to trap us yesterday?" Felix said and they looked further at the news.

A video had circulated of Malik targeting the boys. Malik says in the video 

"Guys, what are you going to do when everyone needs your help. How does it feel to be a hero when you can't save everyone. hahahaha. who will you save if you really have to choose..." and after that the news showed all the accidents that are happening.

 A water leak in some houses, a man trapped in an elevator that could fall at any moment, a child trapped in a burning building, a 10-car pile-up with people trapped and a school where the roof almost collapses and everyone is still trapped in the building. The boys looked at each other nervously and not knowing what to do and Hyunjin said "what are we going to do? We can't save them all at once." and moved nervously back and forth. 

"Okay, call the police and tell them to help the man in the elevator and the people involved in the pileup, we'll do the rest. Come on guys they need our help." Chan said and the boys nodded.

 Here we go....

Thank you for reading this part! Let me know what you think of the book so far and I'll see you in the next part 💕 


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