Mioru Mineta

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"Hey, y/n?" minoru walks over to me a bit sluggish.

"Yes?" y/n responds unsure of what he wants

"I just.. Can you.. I..." Minoru seems to bw struggling with words, thats surprising.

"C'mon mineta, spit it out. I've dealt with you for years it cant be that bad." y/n let out a small laugh.

"I know you wrote the notes.." 

Y/n looks at him face frozen in shock

"You- How" Y/n tries to form a sentence.

"Well, at first I had no clue but the more the notes came out the more I recognized the hand writing. I'm just confused, why did you not tell me, about you and Mina?" Mineta looks down.

"I- Mineta.. You're just, not exactly the type of person to tell. I was afraid that you'd tell her, you never seem to keep things hidden." y/n pauses. "Are you not the one handing out the notes?...."

"What? Y/n! Absolutely not, I wouldn't do that to you. I know I seem like a horrible person now that we've grown up but I'd never do that, to anyone." Minoru sighs. "I need to get better, dont I?"

"I mean, yeah.. You've grown up so.. Inappropriate and I truly do not understand how." Y/n sighs

"Will you, help me?" Minoru looks at y/n

"As soon as I figure out who's showing my notes I swear I will help." Y/n holds out her pinky. "Pinky promise."

Minoru laughs. "Pinky promise."


Hey, sorry for going mia but i'm back now.. Momentarily. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I wonder if anyone would even still read this. Anyways bye, see you at the next part!

Words: 262

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