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"Hey Y/n! Tsu!" Mina happily jumps to hug them both, unknown to her how red y/n is.

"Hey Mina!" Tsuyu happily hugs back

"Hi uh, Mina- Hi. How are, you? I uhm.." Y/n tries to form a sentence but is distracted by how close they are.

Mina stands back. "Y/n, are you ok? Are you sick?" Mina frowns

"Oh, no i'm fine. I'm great actually, better than ever, I am so..." Y/n looks away in embarassment. "I'm ok."

"Y/n was just jumpscared by something someone showed them, they're probably still jittery." Tsuyu places a hand on y/n's shoulder. "Right?"

"Yes, right. You are so right. It was so.. Scary?" Y/n looks at tsu.

"Oh, can I see?" Mina smiles.

"Oh- uhm. Its gone, now. It was one of those. Dissapearing messages. Yeah." Y/n nods their head.

"Ah, I see. Ok! What should we do?" Mina starts thinking.

"We could watch tv, one of my favorite shows will be on soon." Tsuyu sits on the couch.

"Yes, Tv. Television." Y/n goes to sit besdes tsuyu.

"Alright! After that can we make something to eat?" Mina asks as she sits besides y/n.

After the movie finishes they get up and head to the kitchen.

"What should we make?" Tsuyu asks while looking through the cabinets.

"You guys must be really close if Tsu can just go through your things." Mina smiles.

"Well, ive known her for a while, shes been my neighbor for years." Y/n takes bowls out a cabinet. "How about we just eat cereal? It wont make a mess for us to clean up later."

"Oh great idea!" Tsuyu takes some boxes out. "Which one do you guys want?"

"I'll have fruity pebbles." Mina sits.

"You can pick for me tsu" Y/n gets milk from the fridge. "I'm sure you have ok taste... Probably."

"My taste is AMAZING, yours is bad." Tsuyu pours the cereal in the bowls. "Give me the milk." 

"No, get the spoons i'll pour the milk!" Y/n moves the milk away from tsuyu.

"But i'm already by the bowls dummy. Just give it!" Tsuyu attemps to take the milk. 

"The spoons are literally behind you!" Y/n moves away. "Stop being difficult!"

"Youre the one being difficult, hello??" Tsuyu crosses her arms.

Mina laughs "You guys are hilarious, I wish I had a friendship like this."

"What about jirou?" Tsuyu looks at mina.

"Kyoka? Yeah aren't you guys bestfriends?" Y/n slowly walks to the bowls.

"Well, shes been hanging out with kami so we haven't been able to hang ou much.." Mina looks out the window.

"Oh, i'm sorry.." Tsuyu looks down. "HEY!"

"OW!" Y/n pulls her hand back. "What was that for!"

"I'm pouring the milk!" Tsuyu grabs the milk and pours it.

Y/n mumbles.

"What?" Tsuyu hits them on the head.

"I said youre so amazing, oh how I admire you!" Y/n hugs tsuyu before going to sit at the table. "Now you need to do everything."

"Oh, dang tsu." Mina smiles

"You- Agh!" Tsuyu puts the milk back, puts spoons in the bowls and takes them to the table.

"Thank you tsu!" Mina starts eating.

"Yes, thanks tsu." Y/n grins at tsuyu. 

-After they're done eating-

"Today has been the best day ever, thank you guys so much!" Mina hugs them both. "Oh, where's the bathroom?"

"Its upstairs." Tsuyu grabs the bowls.

"Ill help you clean them!" Y/n walks over to the sink.

Mina heads upstairs but is unsure of what room it it. "I choose.." Mina walks into a room thats a bit messy. "Oh, this is someones room." 

Mina walks in more, not being able to help her curiosity. "This must be y/n's room." She walks over to the desk, seeing oh so familiar notes with the exact same handwriting. "This is.. Y/n.. They-"

"Hey mina!" Tsuyu yells in the hallway before noticing y/n's room is open and immediately goes in. "Mina-"

"Tell me you didn't know." Mina grabs the papers.

"I... I cant." Tsuyu looks down.

"My relationship was RUINED because of these stupid notes Asui!" Mina throws them at her. "And you knew y/n wrote them!"

"They didn't mean any harm Mina!" Tsuyu starts picking up the papers.

"Hey tsu why are.. you.." Y/n looks at mina. "Whats wron-"

"You! I know you wrote those stupid notes! How could you?" Mina's says, tears going down her face. "My relationship was fine before.."

"Mina I am so sorry about kirishima but-" 

"No but's, its your fault!" Mina runs out of the house.

Y/n and tsuyu look at eachother




Finally, an update

Words: 711

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