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"Are you actually staying home?" Y/n's older sister laughs. "Because your stupid notes are being posted?"

"Yes! Its so embarrassing Saline, please dont be rude." Y/n sits up.

"How exactly are you going to find out who's doing it if you're home??" Saline sits next to y/n

"You are a mess. Why are you giving me advice?" Y/n stands

"Not as much of a mess as you are right now." Saline sighs

"Why are you still here? Go to school!" Y/n points to the door

"No, I think i'll stay with you. We can bond a little." Saline stands up

"Oh, yeah no thanks. I don't want to talk about you for hours." Y/n rolls thir eyes

"What? But you love talking about me for hours!" Saline grabs Y/n

"Ah, Saline!" Y/n tries to pull away. "Let me go!"

"What would you like to eat? I am a great cook." Saline takes Y/n to the kitchen

"Something." Y/n replies finally pulling away.

"Great! I can make something!" Saline starts cooking.

'Ah yes, my older sister. I don't understand why she's so... I don't think that there is a word to describe her. Hopefully she doesn't burn the whole house down.'

- A few minutes later -

"Here, some waffles!" Saline places the plate infront of y/n

"Thanks, I guess.." Y/n smiles. "I need a fork."

"As lazy as ever, eh?" Saline laughs

*Knock knock*

"Coming!" Saline walks over to the door and opend it. "Oh, hey Tsu."

Tsuyu walks in. "Hey Saline, where is y/n?"


"Hey y/n!" Tsuyu sits next to them.

"Tsu? What are you doing here?" Y/n asks before sliding their plate to tsuyu.

"Well, I didn't see you leave. I went home and changed and came back!" Tsuyu takes a bite.

"So you just didn't go to school either? Interesting." Y/n gets suspicious.

"Well.." Tsuyu starts. "Mina will also be here soon.."

"TSU! WHY?" Y/n stands up.

"She was worried so I just invited her.." Tsuyu smiles.

"Tsu.. Ok but absolutely no going in my room, its a mess.." Y/n sighs.

"Alright, we will stay in the living room!"


Words: 324

𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜 | Mina x Reader ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now