Chapter II

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"Where is she?" Mattheo huffed.

"If I knew where she was then I wouldn't be walking around trying to find her." I rolled my eyes smacking him in the head. "I bet she's in the library!"

"I seriously doubt that." Mattheo said confidently.

I started roaming the halls, heading to the library as Mattheo followed muttering random words.

"Ha! I told you she would be here." I silent-shouted at Theo.

"Yeah whatever" Theo replied, annoyed he didn't think of it first.

Hey love," I whispered while sitting down next to Stella. "How are you feeling? I'm sorry you got a face full of potatoes." I asked, while Theo smacked me.

"I'm sure you know you weren't their target... but if it makes you feel better, Lupin looked somewhat sorry. The others not so much..." Theo added.

Theo tried to sound comforting looking at me awkwardly as a signal to help him. Me and him aren't very good at counseling Stella, it's usually the other way around.

"I'm fine guys, really. There was just a lot of attention on me, and you know...I freaked." Stella said while slapped hands on her head.

"If it makes you feel better, your boobs looked great in your uniform." I said, making her laugh.

"Real mature." Theo said while giving his famous eye roll.

"Oh my gods, I hate you" Stella said while still laughing

"Are you ready to go back? Well walk you to your dorm." Theo asked.

"Nah, I think I'll stay here for a bit. I'll see you guys at breakfast, alright?" Stella replied with a small smile.

"Okay, but you have to go to sleep. If not I will find out, and let's just say you'll be getting a lot worse than potatoes." I joked before standing up with Theo.

"Goodnight guys." Stella said quietly.

"Night!" I replied a little loudly, Mattheo laughing and shushing me as we stumbled out of the library.

"Your dorm?" I asked, pointing in the direction of the stairs.

"Sure, are you crashing there or just hanging out?" Theo asked as we headed towards his dorm.

"Hello darling! What are you doing here?" Regulus questioned as I walked through the door following Theo.

"Just hanging with Theo." I replied

"Ouch, shot to the heart!" He said, making both of us laugh.

I jumped onto Theo's bed, this wasn't out of the blue because we always hung out all the time and just read a book together or we would go to the Astronomy Tower and watch the stars together and talk.

"I'll be right back." Theo said, grabbing some sweatpants and a t-shirt and heading towards the bathroom.

"He's into you." Regulus said, without removing his eyes from his book.

"What?" I said, staring billets into Regulus' head.

"Well, I just mean...he literally loves you." Regulus said, now looking at me.

"Well of course he does, I'm his best friend." I said flustered and red.

"One, ouch. know what I mean Charlotte, and you also feel that way too." Regulus said with a grin.

"Wha-" I started to say before being interrupted by Theo walking out of the bathroom.

"Want any clothes to change into?" He said motioning to his dresser.

"I think I'll just head back to my dorm actually." I was overwhelmed with what had previously been said with Regulus.

"Oh, okay" Theo said, sort of confused as I rushed out of his room heading towards my own.

I honestly didn't want to think about that anymore, I just wanted to see Stella at breakfast, and hopefully not run into Theo before then. I feel bad but it's just so overwhelming, what if Regulus is right. What if I do love Mattheo? What if he loves me? So many questions, but now? Now, I sleep.


As morning rolled around I strained to get out of bed. Not wanting to face the reality of life. I quickly rushed to get into my uniform and toss my hair into a messy bun, I quickly threw some mascara and eyeliner on. I rushed because I was trying to leave before Theo showed up, we always walked to breakfast together. As I opened the door, there he was, Theo. His beautiful brown eyes staring at me, with his dark curly hair, messy as if he had just rolled out of bed, a huge smile and his tie untied.

"Help?" Theo asked, laughing and pointing to his tie.

"Of course." I replied with an awkward smile, fixing up his tie. "One day you're gonna have to learn how to do this." I said, sighing as I finished fixing his tie and brushed off his shoulders.

"Why would I do that when I have you?" Theo said, kissing my forehead. "Ready to go to breakfast?"

"Yeah, Stella should already be there."


As I was sitting in Charms with Theo, Mr Flitwicks voice fading out as I spaced out, I couldn't stop thinking about what Regulus said to me the night before, and then when Theo kissed my forehead. I wasn't usually this concerned when that happened but Regulus got in my head.

"Char? Charlotte?" Theo said, waving his hand in front of my face the second time.


"You okay?"

"Sorry, yeah"

"Mr Lopez, Mrs Amora! Anything you want to share with the class?" Mr Flitwick said quite annoyed.

Theo looking down in embarrassment, I was not in the mood, "Nah, unless I mean you just wanted to know that I was bleeding out of my vagina?" I said with a smug smile on my face.

The class erupted into laughter but Mr Flitwick was not amused.
"Please Mrs Amora, what is the spell that can repair broken things?"

"Why? You need me to repair your haircut?" I said staring at him with a straight face as more laughters erupted around me.

"Charlotte!" Theo said shooting a death stare at me, knowing I was gonna get us both in trouble.

"Mrs Amora! The spell or detention Friday afternoon." Mr Flitwick called out

"Whatever, Reparo." I said in a pissed off tone.

"Thank you Mrs Amora." He responded

"Dude stop trying to get us in trouble." Mattheo whispered, nudging me with his shoulder.

"Kiss my ass." I hissed in response

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