Chapter III

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"Oh shit!" I said, shooting a panicked look towards Theo who was already staring at me with his eyes squinted in confusion

"Oh my hair! My poor hair. Prongssssss, she messed up my hairrrrrr," Sirius "I'm so hot" Black whined.

"Dude what happened?" I said, trying to peek over crowds of students.

"I don't know, but it sounds like Sirius Black being a piss baby." Theo said, leaning down slightly to whisper in my ear, grabbing my wrist to pull me to our next class.

AGHHHHH OUR NEXT CLASS IS WITH STELLA!! My little caterpillar (with great boobs might I add).

"I don't like this class, but I go for you and Stella." Theo said, whining. "Professor Binns is sooooooo boring." He added, throwing his head back in exaggeration

"My loves, in an endless garden of flowers, I would always pick you." Stella greeted us as we met in the doorway of the classroom.

"My dear, if I were the moon, I would want you to be my night." I dreamily replied.

"My darling, you have swept me in like the ocean, and left me in drops, like rain." Theo joined in, winking at me.

"You guys will never fucking believe what happened! Stella dramatically exclaimed

"Oh no, what has happened, my sweet flower?" I asked, perfectly matching Astella.

"I accidentally bumped into Sirius motherfreaking Black, and....messed up his hair! However must I live!" Stella said with a flip onto her seat.

"You messed up his famous, beautiful locks?! This is despicable! Off with your head!" Theo declared right as the other kids came in.

Cue the rbf in 3...2...1... yep totally called it

See, Stella and I know Mattheo better than anyone else in the world. To most people Mattheo seemed rude and scary, kind of like a chihuahua that'll bite your head off. He never talked to anyone other than us and I pray for whoever tries.

He likes to pretend his relationship with his dad is fine but I know the truth, Stella does too. I feel bad that he doesn't open up fully with me about it, I mean, me and Stella are his biggest friends. His only friends. (there i fixed my spelling mistake asshole moony737 )

I made Stella become friends with him, little Mattheo Lopez sitting alone in a train cart. I simply would not allow this, so we invited ourselves in. I remember he was reading Will you please be quiet, please, and he smelt of Egyptian Amber and cigarettes, now though add in some cologne and 10x the amount of the cigarette s. I didn't mind it though, it reminded me of him, it was like his own signature smell.

He asked us to bugger off several time, but we never listened. I was determined to have one actual conversation with him.

"Okay my honest butter biscuits, it's time for herbology." I said while pulling them up

"I truly don't understand why we need to learn about plants. They're insufferable and I don't like them," Mattheo started to complain while getting up.

"That's because you can't keep them alive, dear. It's like all you have to do is look at them and boom they're dead. Maybe you should try smiling more." Stella said while poking his cheek

He blushed while rolling his eyes, knocking Astella's hand off

"OMG, you're totally like a plant serial killer!" I exclaimed. "I can see it no,w, The Plant Murderer Strikes Again. The number of herbicides have doubled in Scotland. Lock your doors and most importantly, hide your plants." I added in an ominous tone.

"Oh my! Please Mr Plant Perisher, don't kill my plants! They're all I have." Stella gasped, playing along.

"Har Har, very funny guys." He sneered.

"Aw, is someone mad?" I asked while sticking out my bottom lip

"Pff-" Stella busted out laughing.

Theo just rolled his eyes and ignored us

"If you keep rolling your eyes, they're gonna get stuck in the back of your head," Stella teased him.

"I hate you guys" he joked

"We love you too, Snookums!" I said while kissing both their checks

Stella always tuned me and Theo out during class, so we didn't talk much


"Garden?" I asked my best friends.

"I'm okay, I'm gonna go to the library." Stella responded

"Okay, Theo?"

"Of course love, come on." He responded linking our arms together.

"Bye love birds" Stell chanted as we walked away.

"Bye potato face!!" I said giggling as we rounded the corner disappearing out of each other's sight.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked me as we slipped under a tree.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, throwing my legs overtop his as I pulled out a a notebook.

"You've been acting weird lately, what is going on?" He said sternly, staring bullets into my head.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said, he just stared at me not accepting that, "fine alright, Regulus said something last night that kind of freaked me out."

"What did he say?" He asked becoming concern

"Nothing, I'm okay.." I said sketching in my notebook.

"What did he say Charlotte."

"Fine, he said that you loved me and same with me." I responded

"Well duh, we're best friends of course we love each other!" He said laughing

"No, umm like..... not as friends." I said slowly and unsure of how he would react.

"Would that be so bad?" Theo said slightly tapping my thigh looking down at the grass.

"I- uh"

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