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No Ones POV

"Arch your back a little more" Derek groans. 

"This wonts work! You don't fit!" Meredith snaps. 

Mark reaches over Meredith. "It works if we position ourselves like this." He says. 

"Fuck, my legs are sore" Meredith mumbles. 

"Maybe if you just angle your hips upwards, we might be able to carry on" 

Meredith does as Derek says and he breathes out a sigh of relief. "Thank god for that. I can finally move."

"Okey Mer, right hand on yellow!" Addison yells form the sideline. 

This game of twister is so exhausting...


Meredith, Derek, Addison and Mark all went to the arcade this evening. They just finished another exhausting week at school so Mark and Derek decided to surprise the girls with a nice evening spent in the arcade. 

"What do you want to do next?" Derek asks Meredith while still trying to catch his breath from the intense twister game they just played. 

"Can we play Pac-Man?!" Meredith exclaims, basically jumping up and down from excitement. Derek chuckles at the cuteness of his girlfriend.

"Of course we can, let's go. You coming with us guys?" Derek asks, looking at Mark and Addison. 

"I think we're just going to drink something at the bar. Have fun tho!" Addison smiles and pulls Mark towards the bar. 

"Okey lets go!" Meredith giggles excited and pulls Derek towards the Pac-Man machine. Luckily nobody is playing so Meredith takes place behind the controls. Derek stands closely behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning his chin on her shoulder. 

"Good luck." Derek grins before putting a coin in and Meredith presses start. 

After a while of playing Meredith forms an adorable pout on her face. They switched off after every turn but Derek kept beating Meredith. "What's the matter honey?" Derek asks, clearly amused by his achievements. 

"Nothing I just suck." She grumbles. 

"Swallow too?" Derek grins mischievously while wrapping his arms around her shoulders. 

"Derek Shepherd!" Meredith shoves his arms off of her and laughs. She leans closer to his ear and whispers. "Only if you are a good boy" 

Derek's eyes go wide and he can feel his pants tighten. "Look, they have Photo Booth here!" He says trying to distract both his and Meredith's mind. He grabs her hand and together they take place in the small booth. 

At first they sit next to each other, barely fitting. "Seriously" Derek grumbles before picking Meredith up and placing her down on his lap. "Better" He mumbles. 

"Better" Meredith giggles back. She leans forward to get the camera ready, revealing her beautiful ass to Derek. 

"Mer..." Derek grumbles, barely keeping it in his pants. Meredith wiggles her ass around over his growing erection without noticing and she can feel him growing bigger and harder underneath her. "Mer... baby you have to stop" Derek breathes, the last word coming out as a soft moan. 

"Oh really" Meredith grins, looking over her shoulder. She rubs her ass in even faster circles, teasing him. She reaches her hand behind her back and moves it down to his big, hard, throbbing bulge. She smirks as she undoes his belt and pants. 

"Meredith" Derek tries again but eventually gives in to his girlfriend. Meredith takes his erection out of his pant and kneels down in front of him, in-between his legs. She spreads the pre cum out over his tip and places small kisses to his velvety head. 

She licks up and down his shaft slowly before taking him in fully, making her gag. Derek groans deeply but tries to stay quiet because everybody can hear them. Meredith slowly starts moving her head up and down, her lips squeezing his shaft. Derek groans and moans as Meredith speeds up. Meredith uses her hand to squeeze his ball, making him squirm even more. "Mer...baby" Derek moans. His hands tangle up in her hair and he helps her head moving up and down on him. He can feel himself getting closer and closer to his release. He tries to hold off for a little longer not wanting this feeling and this moment to stop. 

Meredith deep throats him and this sends him over the edge. His hot cum shoots deep inside Meredith's throat. Derek groans loudly as he releases while Meredith swallows every single drop of his delicious cum. She licks his shaft a few more times, cleaning him up before standing back up and whining her mouth with the back of her hand. 

"Mer...I...Thank you" Derek breaths, trying to catch his breath. 

"What can I say" Meredith shrugs. "I guess you were a very good boy" She smirks and kisses his lips softly. Derek stands up and puts his now flacid cock back in his pants. He makes sure he looks decent before they exit the booth. Meredith looks around and to her relief nobody seems to have noticed. 

"Let's go" Derek smiles and takes her hand but before they can leave they can hear a sound coming from the booth. A series of pictures is printen and falls into the display. 

"O my god!" Meredith exclaims, quickly grabbing the pictures. Derek just stands there with a satisfied grin on his face. 

"Let me see" Derek smirks. 

Meredith holds the pictures up to him. The situation is more than clearly visible on the pictures. Both Meredith and Derek chuckle and look at each other. This is something to never forget and they even had pictures, beautiful pictures, to prove and remember it by. 

*Hey guys... I can say it a hundred times over but I am so sorry for not updating recently. The deadlines almost killed me. I have to hand in all of my assignments of the year in two days but after that I will have way more time so be prepared for more updates. 

This is a short update because I wanted to give you all something and this idea popped in my head. I hope you liked it and I hope you can stick with me for a little longer. 

Love you all!!*

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