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Meredith's POV

Amelia, Kathleen, Lizzy and I are standing at the edge of the ice skating ring one of the neighbors made on the frozen lake. Derek and Mark are in the same team and they are leading with 2 points. There are 10 minutes left on the clock and it looks like they are going to win.

The opposite team approach the goal and score a point. Only one point ahead... The other team approaches the goal again and the goalie can't stop the puck. It flys in the goal and the score is even. There are only 2 minutes on the clock left. Mark takes the puck and skates to the middle of the field. He continues the game. He passes the puck to Derek. Derek skates with the puck on his stick and approaches the goal. He dodges two opponents and is face to face with their goalie. He shoots and the crowd goes silent. The puck hits the nets of the goal and the team goes wild. He scored! The time is up and they won. Derek scored the final goal.

A wide smile spreads across my face. I love watching him play. He comes skating up to me and pulls his helmet off. He grabs me and lifts me up. Me legs wrap around his waist and he kisses me. I gladly accept and slightly deepen the kiss before pulling away. "You won! You won Derek! Congratulations baby" I smile widely.

"I know Mer. Thank you for coming. I was hoping you would join my sisters."

"Of course. I love watching you play. You know that"

"I do." He smiles. "And I love playing for you" he grins.

Derek puts me back on the ground and goes back to his team. One of the neighbors hands them the challenge cup and they hold it up in the air. The team lifts Derek up and tosses him a few times. This, being here with Derek and his family, it feels amazing...


It's almost the end of the winter break. Derek's family left a week ago and only Mark, Derek and I are still here. We all packed our bags and Carolyn packed us some food for the road. Derek put gas in the tank and Mark loaded the trunk up.

"I am going to miss you three" Carolyn smiles and embraces us in a tight group hug.

"We're going to miss you too mom" Mark smiles and presses a kiss to her cheek.

"I know. You can visit any time. You too Meredith" She smiles.

"Thank you" I smile back and she embraces me once more. Now it is definitely time to leave. We say our final goodbyes and off we go. I am in the passengers seat again while Derek drives and Mark sits in the back. Derek turns the radio on and drives off.

After a little while I look over to my very handsome boyfriend. He is happily humming to the music and drums his fingers on the steering wheel. I smile at his happiness. It was definitely a good choice to come with him and Mark. I look in the rearview mirror and see Mark slowly nodding off to sleep. I take a deep sigh and rest my head back. The sun is shining on my face and I close my eyes. I feel Derek's hand on my thigh and I place mine over his. He gives my leg a small squeeze and I squeeze his hand back. I slowly drift off to sleep.


All of a sudden the car jerks to the left. My eyes shoot open and I am staring directly into headlights of a car. "Shit!" Derek screams. My heart is beating in my throat and then there's a crash... Derek tries to hold me back with his arm but it is no use. I can feel Mark's head hit the back of my seat and mine hits the dashboard. My body flies through the car and then everything goes black...


I am laying there, unable to move. I can hear a steady beeping and the humming of the lights. I can hear people talking in the background and I can feel the burning headache. I slowly open my eyes and look around. I try to lift my head but some doctor holds me back.

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