The Beginning

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Just so you all know (and for any newcomers) this is a re-writing of the book that used to be published here. If you guys ever want to look back at the original, I'll have it put in a different book on my page but as of now anything in that book IS NOT CANNON TO THIS ONE unless otherwise stated in this book. I've changed some things so I don't want anyone to be confused or misled. The main outline will stay the same but there will be some key changes and more to read. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!


Cries filled the air. Not the cries of sadness nor pain, but the cries of life that brought relief upon hearing. They screamed their existence into the world, yelling out the air that filled their tiny lungs. And in those desperate cries, you begged for your mother- your father- anyone! Anyone that you would feel safe in the arms of. Someone who would hold you so tenderly, so carefully. Someone who would cradle your tiny body and let you know that there would be no cold lonely nights as long as they were around.

That, however, was not a fate meant for a creature like you.

It was only seconds after your cries that a woman's sobs began. Her wailings were not that of life or happiness, but of grief. A deep, mourning cry as she looked upon you. Tears flowed like heavy streams, unending and unyielding as she stared at what she had just born. But yet there was no hatred in her eyes. She did not stare with disgust or contempt at what she had made, no. She stared with sudden weight hitting her falling on her chest, the cruelty of what had been forced upon her by such horrible circumstances now leaving her with nothing but the sharp pain of regret.


The heavy-footed boot was all too easily recognized. Shadows passed through the room like nightmares, their dark images contrasting with the bright white walls. The woman let out out another pleading cry as you felt the weight of your body cast into even colder hands than before. Your wails only grew louder as you pleaded for release into safety.

That safety would never come. Not here and certainly not where you were going.

Years later

Slowly your mind came back to you, though the world was held in a foggy haze. You didn't attempt to move, knowing it was a rather fruitless endeavor. You instead laid, allowing the numbness of your body to relax even as you tried to wake from this grogginess. After a while you were able to move the features on your face, then your arms, then your legs. It was a slow process but it wasn't nearly as grueling as the first time you had to endure it. When you finally opened your eyes you were in a very familiar room. It was dim and cold, the gray colors of the walls not inviting nor threatening, but rather gave a feeling of nothing as you stared at them. Your eyes scanned for a new detail, maybe a crack of some kind. But no such things could be found. So you soon focused on your heartbeat. It was practically the only thing you could hear in the still room, it's thumping a constant drone in your ears when you were left in silence like this.

That got rather boring after a while though so you instead tried to pull yourself up. As you did you began to wonder where The Doctor was as he was usually here before you could get this far. Now confused and with curiosity brewing, you became suddenly more alert. You started to rapidly blink your eyes, hoping to push away the grogginess and try to understand what was going on. It was after you fully sat up that you finally heard the buzzers of the door. You quickly turned your eyes to the ground, knowing better than to look The Doctor in the face.

"You're already awake?" you heard an entirely unfamiliar voice ask. Your confusion only grew, your eyes turning towards where the strange sound had come from. You only caught a glimpse before you quickly looked away, dread building as you realized you might have upset him. You heard him grow closer, his shoes tapping on the tile floor.

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