matt | ends of the earth with you.

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authors note : this is idea came from Pinterest but I lost the pin, so credits to the original owner! also please be aware there will be mentions of blood and violence so please don't read this chapter if that triggers you!

the year is 2056. corona virus has led the world to near world extinction. over 3/4 quarters of the plant was killed, leaving the other quarter to fend for its self. governments collapsed and gangs now ruled the cities. basic goods were running low, the human race was on its knees.

y/n was walking down the abandoned street. street lights were out, newspapers flying in the wind. she clutched your jacket closer to your chest, wrapping her arms around herself  in order to keep herself warm. she was on the lookout for food. the small community she was with had recently run out and so as it was her turn, she had to journey out in order to find more. she took a left, hoping that the corner store she once went to as a child had something. before she could get there, her path was blocked. a small group of men stood before her, each of them smirking. disgusting. she gripped the gun that was tucked in her jacket pocket, hoping and praying she wouldn't have to use it. the tallest one of the group took a step in front of the women, a baseball bat hung over his shoulders. 

"so what's a pretty thing like you doing out here all by yourself?" he asked, his eyes trailing up and down her body. she scoffed. even in situations like this, men are still pigs.

"i'm getting food" she spoke trying to get past them. the man pushed her back, making her stumble. she glared at the hand that was placed on her shoulder before looking back at him "don't touch me asshole"

the men whistled. "boys, we have ourselves a feisty're going to regret talking to me that way darling" he swung a punch at her, which she dodged effortlessly. she pulled the gun out of her jacket pocket, shooting one man in the leg, making him howl with pain. another two came at her, one with a knife, the other with a hammer. the man with the knife punched her directly in the face before making a cut across her chest. groaning, she shot the two men in the middle of the chest whilst the others scrambled away, leaning their dead friends behind. pussies.

clutching her chest, y/n knew even if she did get food, she would bleed out before she could eat it. she looked around at her surroundings, trying to find somewhere she could fix herself up. eventually she found it, the home of her old childhood best friend. she stumbled to the apartment, pressing the button of his apartment. she waited a couple of seconds before she heard a muffled voice the other end.

"who is this?" it asked

"um I'm y/n, im trying to find matt? not sur-" before she could finish her sentence the door buzzed to let her up. he's alive. she began to walk up the flight of stairs, the pain in her chest and across her face becoming worse. eventually she found his apartment and knocked on the door. a tall guy opened it. his features looked the same as they did when they were children, only he had grown even more prettier. his hair was messy and his glasses were slightly lopsided.

"y/n? is that really you?"matthew said, worry and excitement laced his voice as his eyes gazed over the women in front of him.

she nodded in reply, barely able to keep herself up, let alone answer properly. matt  noticed her weak state and pulled her inside, wrapping his arms around her waist. she breathed in his familiar scent, before closing her eyes.

y/n awoke a few hours later. she was laying on a couch, wrapped in a blanket. she looked down, noticing her change in clothing. she now wore a rather oversized t-shirt with a faded nasa symbol across the chest. she also noticed the pain in her chest and face had disappeared.

"y/n are you okay?" the voice startled the women, placing her hand to her chest. "sorry" it continued "didn't mean to scare you" ma walked into view and crouched in front of her, a worried look spread across his face.

"i'm fine" she sat up, running her hand through her hair. "just never thought id be back here" she looked around the small apartment, it hadn't changed much expect the pictures around the space.

"yeah" matt said, sighing, sitting down on the empty space on the couch. "why did you come here?"

y/n sat there, thinking for a while before she spoke. "i don't know, i didn't even know if you still lived here or if you were even alive, it was just instinct i guess?" 

matt nodded, understanding what she meant. "well, you need to stay here for a while and rest"

"I can't, i have to go back with food"

he shook his head "you're far too weak y/n, you need to rest."

"i'll be fine" she said, dismissing his pleads "ive built up a small community a couple of miles back, there's children there, we need food"

"come on, someone else can do it, stay-"

"why do you care what happens to me anyways?" y/n snapped "if i remember correctly YOU were the one who stopped wanting to be around me. YOU ended our friendship."

"i know but im here now"

"you're too late"

"fine! don't accept my help, you're leaving tomorrow morning" matthew said defeated, standing up from his spot on the sofa and walking away. y/n stared at the now empty space as her eyes got heavier and eventually fell back to sleep.

she groaned as she woke up for the second time. her throat was dry and practically begging for some kind of water. so she sat up and walked over to the kitchen. to her surprise, jacob was sitting at the table, looking out of the window.

"can't sleep?" he said, whispering slightly.

"i just needed water" she replied, opening the fridge and taking out a small bottle. she held it up and began to make her way back to the sofa when jacob placed a hand on her wrist, motioning her to stop. 

"can you sit, please? 

she nodded her head, sitting across from him. "despite what you might think, i did what i did to protect you. i loved you...and with the virus becoming more deadly, I couldn't risk it. i'm sorry that i hurt you." 

she smiled, the words that she wanted him to say even when they were dumb teenagers had finally slipped from his lips. "you love me?" 

"always have, i've never stopped."

"well i never stopped either" she placed her hand in his and the pair knew whatever was to come next they would always be by each others side, that they would go to the ends of the world for them.

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