christopher sturniolo | soulmate au.

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author note : using pinterest for writing prompt ideas >>. anyways hope you enjoy lovelies.

i live in a world where when you are born, you are assigned a soulmate. you and your soulmate both have a song in your heads that you recognise. i'm 18 and yet still haven't had any luck. there have been instances where the tunes have been smiliar, but change in pitch and rhythm. 

the tv was playing was whilst i absent mindedly scrolled through instagram, liking random posts and commenting on some my friends. my stomach began to growl so i made my way over to my kitchen and opened my snack cupboard, pulling out my favourite chocolates and sweets, that's when i heard it. my door opening and closing followed by footsteps coming inside. i froze. my heart skipped a beat. i was not expecting anyone, not that anyone i knew had the keys to my house. someone had broken in.

i had to get myself to safety. the front door wasn't an option, whoever had broken in could hear and that outcome wouldn't end well. the intruder made they're way slowly through the hallway, opening and closing desk drawers and cupboard doors, probably trying to find something valuable. that's when it came to me. in my kitchen was a utility room which had a another door ending up at the end of the hallway, which was locked from the other side. listening out for where they were, i made my way down the small hallway of my utility room, opened and closed the door and carefully made my way upstairs, locking myself in the bathroom. 

i patted my pockets for my phone. fuck. it was on the sofa downstairs. i slid down the door of the the bathroom, burying my head in my hands. i would have to wait this out. after 20 minutes or so passed, the intruder made their way upstairs, looking for more things to steal. they stopped in front of the bathroom door and i held my breathe. the handle shook and i heard a chuckle on the other side.

"oh, so there is someone in here...thought it might be an easy job" the voice said "why don't you come out and we this out"

"you mean kill me?" i spat, pulling my knees to my chest

"not unless you co-operate darling, i would prefer not to have blood on my hands"

i made a face at the pet name they gave me. "i don't trust you"

the voice chuckled again. "fine, i guess this way no one will get hurt." the intruder began to whistle a familiar tune as they walked away, the same tune that had been stuck in my head for 18 years. of course.  my soulmate is my potential killer. fuck me.

i gasped before covering my mouth and making my way to the door. "wait, that song your whistling, i recognise it."

the intruder stopped again and made their way back over to the door, only closer this time. "really? are you sure?"

"pretty sure i would recognise the song that had been stuck in my head for the past 18 years." 

the voice chuckled once more at my comment, sighing softly through the door. "what's your name?"

"why should i tell you?" i crossed my arms "how do i know you won't just kill me?"

"well i probably would have, but the whole soulmate thing is kind of a game changer. but here, let me tell you mine first. i'm christopher" his voice was now softer then how he had spoken to me before. 

"i'm y/n" i replied 

"pretty name for a pretty girl" he said, making me roll my eyes.

"you don't even know what i look like dumbass"

"i don't have to look at you to know you're pretty love." i could practically hear his smirks that spread across his face. "but let me prove that statement to be true, can you open the door?" he asked

i thought about it for a moment, still unsure of what his plans were. "no, i'm still worried about what you might do. but hey, if you really want to try whatever this is at the cafe down at the end of the road tomorrow at 11am."

chris sighed again. "like i said, the soulmate thing was a game changer but i understand, but how do i know you won't just call the cops?"

"wouldn't i just call them after you leave?"

"true. i guess ill see you at 11 then." he began to make his way towards the stai

"yeah...bye chris."

i waited until i heard the close of the door to come out of the bathroom and let out the breath I was holding. that went well?

i walked into the cafe dead on 11, humming the tune softly. i walked up the the barista at the till when someone tapped in my shoulder. i turned around and came face to face with a guy. his somewhat long brown hair had been pushed back by his backwards baseball cap. a soft smile spread across his face. damn, his smile.

"y/n?" i only nodded, still taken a back by his appearance. he shook at his head at my lack of words and softly grabbed my hand, pulling me to a small corner in the cafe. i whined as we walked away from the barista. "don't worry pretty, i'll order you a drink later, i want to get to know you first"

5 drinks in and a few hours later, both our life stories were told. he told me how he had turned to crime in order to support him and his family, that he didn't want to do it bur saw no other choice. he spoke about his dreams and passions, his eyes lighting  up with every word. he listened when i told him mine, how i ended up in london chasing the dreams of my dream job. he softly brushed his thumb against my hand as i spoke of my hardships and loses, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it,  making a small blush creep up on my face.

once we felt like we couldn't drink anymore, we made our way out of the cafe and began walking back to my place, arm in arm. the walk was silent, not an awkward silence, one where you didn't know what to say but rather a calming one, one where you were just enjoying each other's company. we reached my door and stood in front of it facing each other.

"i really enjoyed today" he said, whispering slightly.

"me to" he smiled at my agreement, leaning in and kissing me softly. his hands entangled in my hair while mine wrapped around his neck. we pulled away, resting our foreheads against each other's. chris slipped something into my back pocket as he kissed my forehead and said goodbye.

i reached into my pocket, pulling out a small note.

see told you i wouldn't kill you, besides you're far too pretty for that. here's my number if you wanna meet up again.

smiling, I typed the number into my phone and began texting him. 

who knew my soulmate could be a man who wanted to kill me.

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