the triplets | youtube videos

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authors note : so we kinda changed the book...but can you blame me? ANYWAYS! in this your the triplets little sister! also this is so short but im running out of ideas so PLEASE leave requests xx

"what the fuck is up youtube!" chris yelled into the camera, making both me and matt chuckle while nick only rolled his eyes. "so today we have a special guest" he grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me into frame. "our little sister!" i waved to the camera, smiling slightly. 

"so we asked you guys for some video ideas to do with our dear sister and someone suggested we let y/n shop for us, so that's what we're going to be doing." matt said "we have all of our sizes plus shops that each of us like on this paper" he held up the paper "and now we're going to leave y/n to shop"

"don't you DARE pick anything stupid!" nick warned, making me roll my eyes. 

"you look stupid in everything anyways nick" i replied, sticking out my tounge. 

they all walked out the kitchen and to chris' room while i picked up the camera and set it up in my room. i opened up my laptop and hit record.

"okay so now im getting stuff for them all." i searched up the first shop and began looking for clothes. "since it's winter i'm going to be looking at hoodies, trousers and joggers more." i looked through a few pieces before settling on a black nike hoodie with black and purple lighting pants for nick. "okay, outfit for nick is done!" i purchased it and went onto the next shop looking for outfits for both chris and matt.

"before anyone says anything...i won't be buying hats, shoes or accessories as you can see...they have plenty." i said, staring right into the camera after an hour passed, i managed to find fits for matt and chris. i settled on a cream shirt with a green strip going along the chest, with a white t-shirt under neath and white pants for chris and blue jeans, a white top with a cream cardigan that has brown and blue diamonds on it for matt. "okay, that's all the outfits picked out and if they don't like them" i shrugged "I think they're cute so i might steal some." i bought the clothes and closed my computer "okay so next time we will see you is when the clothes arrive so bye!" i kissed my hand and placed it on top of the camera lens then stopped recording. nick better make that look cool.

a few days later 

chris walked into the frame of the camera, slamming the parcels down onto the kitchen island. "so they finally came! let's see how badly y/n really is at picking our clothes" i hit his arm in response. he grabs his arm, rubbing the part i hit. "meanie"

"anyways! let's open the packages up" said nick, grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting up the parcels and pouring out the clothes. i sorted them out into piles in front of each of them and told them to go change, waiting patiently as they did so.

chris walked out first. "okay so, forget what i said earlier" he said, walking back into frame again, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "y/n actually did a good job"

i rolled my eyes and shook his arm off me making him chuckle. i grabbed the camera and faced him. "give us a catwalk chris" he walked down the hallway and turned around dramatically, placing his hands on his hips and strutted back down towards me. i moved the camera at different angles hoping and praying nick would out some kind of music behind this amazing montage that me and chris were making. 

"GUYS?" we heard nick shout and walked down to him. nick spun around, giving us full 360° of his outfit. might have to steal the pants. "look how cool these pants are!" he pushed out his leg, giving us a better look. 

"nick, if they go was me" chris said. 

"absolutely not. these are mine!"

they both began to bicker and became unaware that matt had now walked into the room. he shook his head at them both arguing and cleared his throat making them both turn around. "i think it's safe to agree that y/n has better taste in fashion then we do" chris and nick both nodded. i smiled at the camera, doing a little dance from excitement. 

the three all walked back into the frame of the camera, matt and chris both resting their elbows on my shoulders due to out height difference. "so in conclusion, we will be making y/n get all our clothes from now on" nick said, the other two nodding in agreement. "but anyways! i hope you all enjoyed, please follow us all on instagram and tiktoker and make sure you subscribe!" 

"BYE GUYS!" chris screamed, running up to the camera and kissing it.

let's just say...i now have to go out with them each time they need to go shopping.

grace speaks 🧚‍♀️:

hey party people, been a while. so yeah, please leave me some requests...slowly running out of ideas!!

but 200 reads? already?! that's so cool oml, thank you all so much. love you all xx

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