matt | get aways

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background & summary : you and twins have been friends all your lives. however, during your teenage years all of you fell on hard times and turned to crime. as the years went by the crimes grew bigger, and you are in your twenties robbing banks and shops. over those years, you and chris fell in love and started a relationship. however, three years ago, both chris and nick lost their lives during a bank robbery gone wrong. over the next three years, you and matt obviously grew closer and then, after two years, you both grew feelings for each other. you've now been dating for six months. you and matt have planned to rob a bank, however it all goes horribly wrong.

(if any of that doesn't make sense just lmk LMFAO)

tw : there will be mentions of violence, blood etc. so if you get freaked out by that please don't read.

matts pov :

"we need to get out of here, NOW!" i said, raising my voice to be heard over the siren that was going off. i had my hand wrapped around y/n's waist, trying to support her after she had been shot. worried at being unable to get out in time, i picked her up bridal style and rushed to the car. the driver got in as well and began driving away. i placed y/n on her back, against my chest and clutched her wound. "step on it, go to the hospital now." 

"but what about the mon" the driver began

"i don't give a fuck about the money right now, take all of it. just drive to the fucking hospital" the driver nodded and began speeding to the hospital.

i noticed y/n's heads dropping so i placed my hand under her chin, making her look up at me. i could see the sparkle in them slowly starting to fade and her eyelids becoming heavier. "hey hey look at me baby, eyes on me" i kissed her head, making her smile softly, she did just so. "there she is, good girl. now keep looking at me" she nodded, keeping her eyes on me.

i adjusted her and pressed down on her side, making her wince. she looked down but i quickly brought her head backup to look at me. "it's fine baby, just a scratch" i said, trying to sound convincing. i had no idea who i was trying to convince. me or her.

"it hurts matty" she whined, her head falling back down. i brought it back up.

"i know darling, i know." when i noticed her eyes becoming heavy again, i tried the thing i could keeping her awake. "hey, why don't you tell me what you want to do after this, where do you wanna go to baby?"  

"oh um" she tried sitting up but winced again clutching her side. "matt it hurts so much"

i looked down at her wound. shit. there was now blood all over the seat and both out shirts. "drive fucking faster" i said, sternly to the driver who nodded in response. y/n's eyes widened and tried to look down at her wound. i pulled her head to my chest and kissed her head, running my less bloody hand through her hair, trying to comfort her as best i could. "it's okay darling, you'll be okay. just carry on telling me"

"well id like to go to europe, somewhere like spain, france or italy. we could first go to a main city for a few days, then travel into the countryside and stay in a cute little town then head to the coast" her eyes sparkled again as she talked. 

"sounds amazing love, i promise we will go there once all of this is over. is there anywhere in amercia you'd like to go?"

i looked down at her when i no response. her eyes were closed and i began to panic. "y/n open your eyes for me" i tried brushing her face, but no response. "come on darling, let me see those pretty eyes of yours." i shook her gently this time and she started to open her eyes and focus on me. "you're not allowed to close your eyes again you hear me?" she weakly nodded in response, i was losing her. her eyes began to drop again and i continued shaking her. 

"baby come on please, open your eyes. i'll do anything, please."

time skip

it's been at least 4 hours since we arrived at the hospital, 2 of which y/n spent in surgery and now she lay in a hospital bed, attached to machines and wires. i held her hand, brushing over her knuckles with my thumb, afraid if i was to let go, she would too.

"last time we were here, i a promise to myself never to be here again. but i guess there's some promises you can't keep right?" i chuckled to my myself. "it's been what? two years since we were last year, expect it was chris and nick laying in these beds. you were holding chris' hand and refused to let go. it was sweet. but now im the one who is refusing to let go of your hand." i my shook my head. "to think, i was in love you even then. man, im the worst brother, stealing my dead brothers girl. but i always have been and i just wished we could've proceed you from all of this, that i could've protected you from all this, then i wouldn't be praying to every possible god out there to make sure i won't loose you. i can't loose you. i won't ." i bent down, resting my head against her head.

"i just don't know what went wrong. we went through those plans at least 50 times, checked over their security constantly until we knew their routine. but..but that doesn't matter right now. what matters is that you wake up baby." I squeezed her hand, trying to get some kind of response from her. "i can go on without you, please. we can stop all of this, we can stop stealing, being criminals. we can settle down, start a family...anything. ill do whatever you want, just please, wake up."

tears began rolling down my cheeks. if i was to loose her, then i would have no one else, that i would be alone. i kissed her hand and sat back up, brushing her hair out of her face. 

"please baby, i love you" i squeezed her hand, praying I would get her back when i felt a squeeze back.

"i love you too matty"

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