Chapter 5 - Uncle Benny

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I glanced at the set of blue eyes first, and was met with a friendly smile from an older women

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I glanced at the set of blue eyes first, and was met with a friendly smile from an older women.

Moving my eyes to the pair of grey eyes identical to Bennett's, a guy who looked to be a few years older than me. He was stifling a laugh.

"Go ahead, laugh." I muttered.

"I can tell your bursting at the seems." I snapped at him.

He laughed so hard being joined by Bennett. They both laughed their stupid heads off.

I attempted to get up using my arms to help me. But I was surprised to feel a strike of pain in my wrist. Falling back down, I sighed helplessly.

Trying again, I put my weight on one wrist and successfully got up.

I stared at the guys while they finished laughing.

I glared at them narrowing my eyes " You done yet?" I snapped

"Y-yea we are done." The guy said clutching his stomach

"So,your Luke huh?" I suspected remembering the talk we had about his family.

"That's me." He smiled smugly at me.

Damn this whole family had some good genes.

I stuck out my hand to shake his when a twinge of pain struck my wrist.

I winced, pulling my wrist towards me and cradling next to me.

"Are you ok dear." The lady asked.

"Um yea, it's just my wrist." I explained.

"Come on honey let's get some ice for that wrist."
While, the women I now know as the housekeeper Ethel, helped ice my wrist.

The guys were kitchen waiting on breakfast.

Ethel finished icing my wrist, and I hopped of the counter.

"Do you need any help with breakfast?" I asked.

"Oh no honey, you go sit down I will bring some breakfast for you shortly." She replied.

"Oh ok if you say so." I spoke.

I headed outside to join the guys, seeing them at the dinning table with a young boy, he look around 6 years old.

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