Chapter 11 - Plucked Like A Chicken

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"Ben wake up your mother will be down here soon, and you both have appointments today..."

"Bennett come on honey wake up.."

"Ethel?" I asked waking up slowly my eyes landing on my housekeeper.

"What time did you two go to sleep?"

"Um I'm not sure...." I said sleepily rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

One hand still wrapped around Lauren's waist, she slept soundly on my chest.

"I'll give you half and hour to get up and get ready, Lauren has a hair appointment, along with a dress fitting. And you have to get sized for your tux."

I sighed, it's gonna be a long day.

"Mmh." Lauren stirred in her sleep slowly waking up.

Her hands were splayed on my chest, her eyes slowly opening. She glanced at me, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Hi..." she said sleepily

"Hi." I replied watching her facial movements.

"I slept about you." She asked sounding concerned.

"Best sleep of my life." I answered honestly.

She smiled laying her head back on my chest.

"We have get up soon don't we?"

"Unfortunately, you have a long day hair appointment make up dress fittings."

"And I have a tux fitting in..." I said checking my phone "20 minutes".

She laughed, getting up slowly, her legs straddling me. It took a lot in me not to grab her waist and pull her back down towards me.

"Well we better get to it then huh?" She says smiling.

"I guess so." I answer helping her off my lap.

"Ow!" I yelped in pain, my hand touching  the spot the pain struck

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"Ow!" I yelped in pain, my hand touching the spot the pain struck.

"Please stop, it hurts!" I pleaded.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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