Chapter 10 - Flour Is Hard To Clean Up

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Bennett joined me in the kitchen and rolled up his sleeves

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Bennett joined me in the kitchen and rolled up his sleeves. Looking down at me he gave me a smile.

"What are we making?" He asked.

"Ok, so you make the frosting while I work on the dough." I instructed.

He nodded and I went back to work, kneading and pressing the dough forming it into a ball and grabbing the rolling pin.

Glancing over at Bennett I found him staring at me.

"Do you know how to make frosting?"

"Umm well not exactly..." he said scratching the back of his neck the tips of his ears turned pink.

"Here's how to do it." I scooted over to him and grabbed the bowl.

"First you add some butter, then whip it up and add some powder sugar."

"Lastly you add a dash of vanilla."

"And there you go! Vanilla buttercream!"I said licking a bit off my finger.

"You got a little something there." Bennett said reaching up to my face.

His thumb lightly brushed against my cheek. He smirked as he smudged a dollop of butter cream on my cheek.

"How dare you!" I gasped narrowing my eyes at him.

"Whoops...." He remarked his face had a touch of amusement.

I grabbed a hand full of flour and throwing it at his dress shirt. "Whoops." I smirked and watching the smirk on his face fade turning into anger.

"Oh your gonna pay now, this is a 70 dollar shirt!" He roared coming after me.

I ran around the island, he was on one side I was on the other.

"70 dollars! Why the hell would you pay that much for a shirt!" I asked in general confusion.

His grey eyes narrowed on me, he carefully maneuvered around the island which sent me backing against the counter.

I glanced up at him, a smirk forming on his face.

"What are you gonna do now that your cornered?" He asked tauntingly.

I could feel his breath fanning on my face as he spoke quietly.

"Bennett...." I spoke softly but directly.

"Lauren...." He said matching my tone.

"Let me go! I have to finish the cookies...." I pleaded with me my eyes searched his face for any ounce of empathy.

He smiled at me, and not his normal breath taking mega watt smile. This was different, a smile that challenged me.

"Fine....but your gonna pay for what you did..." his tone warned me playfully, as he leaned in closer to my face.

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