Chapter One: Spring Break Surprise

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"Three... two... one..."



Barbie pumped her fist as she smiled as wide as humanly possible. The clock finally struck the correct hour, resulting in the alarm bell to ring throughout the school.


"Woo hoo! Spring Break, baby!!", Brooklyn hooted next to her. The girls' faces expressed their utter joy at being free for the next seven school days for spring break.

One whole week! One week plus four weekend days. Eleven days!

"Have a wonderful spring break everyone!", Mrs. Bowers waved to the Spring Musical Compositions class as they piled out into the hallway.

Crowds passed in the hallway of the Handler School for Performing Arts. Chatter, cheers, slamming lockers, high fives all around... everyone was excited for the break.

"So, big plans with your fam for the break?", Brooklyn asked her roommate as they made their way towards the exit.

Barbie smiled wide and threw her hands up, "Soooo many!", then she began ticking them off her fingers, "Sailing, surfing, sand castles, crafts, cookouts, Puppy Wig Day, shoppi—"

"Puppy Wig Day?", the New Yorker asked with a raised eyebrow and a quirked lip.

The blonde chuckled, "Yeah... it's a Roberts sister tradition!"

"Oooooh, wigs for puppies!? What an amazing idea!!"

The new voice of Rafa joined in the conversation as he crossed the one hall to the girls.

"Not exactly a statement for the runway, but fun either way!", Barbie offered with her open palm.

The three busted out of the rotating doors into the unseasonably warm early March Friday.

March 1st, to be exact.

Brooklyn breathed in the air deeply and exhaled in delight, "Freedom!"

Barbie laughed alongside her, "Totally! I can't wait to hop on that plane tomorrow to see everyone back home..."

Then, suddenly, she started to blush... Brooklyn caught on and nudged Rafa as they continued to walk. He looked over and saw the same thing, smirking.

"Soooo... what else do you have planned? Isn't your birthday next Saturday?"

Barbie turned and smiled, "Yeah, it is! Finally 18! I can't believe it, haha..."

"And isn't someone else's birthday around that time, too?", Brooklyn nudged her shoulder with a wink, causing the blonde to blush even more.

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled shyly, "Yeah..."

"I bet he's excited to see you, too, ya know..."

She turned to look at the boy with a wide smile and an even redder face, "Yeah..."

A little bit of silence passed while Barbie blindly walked down the street being guided by her friends as her own mind was elsewhere.

Ken's birthday was two days after hers.

They always made sure they celebrated their birthdays together from the moment Barbie moved in next to him. When she moved in, she was hooked... and so was he...

Growing up together next door to each other has always been the highlight of both their lives. Now, they were literally the whole way across the country apart from each other but still found a way to make plans to spend their birthdays together.

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