Chapter Nine: All's Well that Ends Well

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It turned out that the cover up for Barbie's spy turned thief news alert was easier to make up than they thought.

After the doppelganger event in Floravia with Queen Amelia as a precursor to the gem debacle, it was a cinch to be able to conjure up yet another look-alike who was the culprit for the items stolen from the SDGMS. Plus, with the body cam footage Barbie obtained with her interactions with David and Scott in the house and on the yacht, the crack technology team led by Lazlo was able to doctor the images and the voice to mask over any name or sound of Barbie.

They went with Cara Somers.

"It a stunning turn of events, the previous newscast that had reported Ms. Barbara Roberts, 17 from Malibu, as the suspected thief in a string of gem heists from the San Diego Gem and Mineral Society has proven to be a false lead. Ms. Roberts has since been freed from potential charges due to miscommunication and misidentification. Authorities have now turned to the suspect Cara Somers of unknown origin in California as the new target for theft charges. If anyone has any information on Ms. Somers, they are asked to contact authorities immediately.

Also, in related news, Scott Dunbar and David Dunbar of California have been reported missing and presumed deceased after a helicopter crash off the coast of Sutil Island. Remains have not been located, but eyewitnesses on the scene report the private yacht-side helicopter catching on fire, crashing into the ocean, and then exploding. FBI and CIA divers are on the scene for a recovery mission. Stay tuned for any—"

The TV clicked off.

Barbie sat back on her visitor's couch in the hospital room. She sighed to herself and turned to the body in the bed.


In typical Ken fashion, he had definitely rebroken his ankle thus requiring more surgery to replace the bone that had refused to fuse. Currently, he was awake and recovering from anesthesia.

Barbie stood, stretched with a low moan, and then walked to the bed.

Ken turned his slow-moving head towards the approaching girl as she walked to his bed.

She sat her smiling form carefully on the bed with him.

Silence overtook them for a few beats.

The boy inhaled deeply and then exhaled, "You OK?"

Barbie chuckled under her breath, "I was going to ask you the same thing..."

Ken laughed to himself, as well. His sleepy eyes glanced down at his wrapped ankle, then back to her face. He shrugged his shoulders, winced at the sudden jarred motion, then smiled crookedly, "Just peachy..."

He was tired... exhausted... pain meds will do that. Barbie's face tightened as she stared down at his ankle. She frowned and pursed her lips, then returned her gaze to Ken's strained expression. Stitches and a bandage covered up the skin above his right eye. Bruises littered his face and arms. His chest was wrapped up to support his bruised ribs. Tubes and wires redirected from the medicine bags to the needles taped to his wrists.

He looked awful.

But his smile was warm... supportive... caring...


She smiled and adjusted his IV tubes to straighten a bit, "We'll keep an eye out for any headaches after you're all better... I think you'll be OK, but still...", she swallowed a lump in her throat, remembering everything Scott Dunbar had said about the mind control subjects.

Ken nodded slowly, then asked softly, "What about your parents? What did they say about all this?", diverting the attention away from him and back to her.

Barbie and the Spy Squad: Fall in the FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now