Chapter Five: The Things We Do

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Another metallic door opened to reveal a new room with the complete opposite decor of the computer-stationed vestibule from before.

This mostly vacant room had one table with two chairs on one side and four white, rectangular pedestals on the other side. Opposite the conference table and behind the pedestals was a television mounted on the wall.

Barbie followed David Dunbar into the room and looked around in confusion and disgust.

I can't believe I'm doing this... I can't believe I made a deal, especially without knowing what it was first...

After some point, David paused at the television screen. He reached down to the table and grabbed another remote, pressed a button, and brought up an image on the screen. Once it was up, he smiled and turned back to the agent.

"This is your mission"

Barbie's eyebrow raised in confusion as she cocked her hip, "A gem?", then got irritated, "Seriously, what is it with you Dunbars and gems?"

He lowered his eyes in annoyance, but then cleared his throat and collected himself.

"As I repeat, this is your mission. Retrieve this gem for me, return it here, and you will have completed—"

"Whoa whoa whoa... you want me to... STEAL... this thing?!", Barbie asked incredulously as she pointed to the deep fuchsia rock on the TV.

David chuckled under his breath in an evil manner, "Well, unless you can find a way to walk into the museum and ask them nicely to borrow it, I don't think you have any other option"

Barbie stared at him, blinked a couple times, then laughed... and laughed... then waved her hands to calm herself down before she was able to catch her breath and talk.

"Oh, man! That's a good one! Yeah, I don't think so...", then smirked, "You see, I'm kinda one of the good guys here... I don't steal. Find another idiot to do your dirty work while I help put you in jail"

David's quirk of his mouth never wavered, even during her comedic fit.

"Well then I guess this button gets pressed and your family goes boom", he lifted the remote he threatened her with earlier.

The blonde's eyes widened as she gasped, "Wait!"

He lowered the remote with a knowing grin, realizing she was getting it.

Barbie looked at the remote, then to his face, then back to the gem on the screen and sighed.

"I seriously have to steal this? But... I can't..."

"Need I remind you of the stakes again?"

Barbie glared at him... "What is it for, huh? Does this help make some kind of weapon or something?", she waved her hand in question.

He chuckled again then tsked his fingers, "Nuh uh uh, that's my little secret. Don't worry, all will be revealed when you complete the task. You fail to retrieve it and your family disappears forever and their gravestones will read 'Resting In Pieces'... Do we have an understanding?"

Barbie snarled at him... she was furious... she was burning from the inside out with hot rage. Not only did this maniac kidnap his sisters and her best friend, but now he was asking her --- telling her--- to steal this gem from a museum. David's smirk remained on his face: it's only change? It grew in size.

Agent Roberts swallowed and nodded...



The four figures seated inside the jail cell shifted their bored gazes towards the door, then towards each other with knowing stares.

Show Time.

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