Chapter Seven: Reputation and History

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"Barbie, breathe... it'll be ok..."

"Take deep breaths..."

The agents attempted to calm down the hyperventilating blonde agent. The hyperventilating, panicked, agitated, anxiety-ridden, and just flat out scared blonde agent...

Barbie couldn't believe what she just witnessed.

What all of them witnessed...

Her name and photos were plastered all over the news, claiming she was the thief of the gem heist.

Well... they were right... she was...

Tears fell freely from her face as she blankly stared straight ahead, thinking of all the things that were going to happen from now on...

Her mom and dad knew.

Brooklyn's parents now knew.

All her friends knew.

They all thought she was some criminal.

"Barbie? Barbie, can you hear me?"

She turned to stare up at Agent Zoe, who just had a calm but worried look on her face. Barbie nodded subtly.

The Head Agent smiled softly but sadly, "Dear, we will fix this... we can fix this"

The blonde agent shook her head, slowly, then more rapidly. She pursed her lips and sniffed.

"How can you fix this? My face is everywhere... my secret is out..."

Renee smirked, "You're not a thief, so technically the news is wrong"

Barbie spun to her friend and exclaimed with a scared face, "But I did steal those gems! I did do that!", she held a hand to her chest.

Teresa put a friendly hand on her shoulder, "But you were forced to. You were made to. You were set up"

Barbie placed her face in her hands, leaning over on her knees. She shook her head and then leaned up with her face to the ceiling.

"What will my parents think?"

"They will think what we tell them to think"

All eyes turned towards Lydia, who still stood stoically over in the corner. She smiled.

"They will believe what they see... what we will show them..."

Patricia cocked her hips and waved her hands, "Like what? What do you plan to show them that will make that", gesturing to the now black screen, "any better?"

Lydia cleared her throat, "By catching David and Scott once and for all. By plastering their faces all over the news. By setting them up"

"And how do you plan to do that?", Teresa rose to ask.

de Poirta sighed, "By finishing the fourth gem retrieval"

Barbie scoffed, "Pardon me if I don't understand, but my reputation is already ruined. The police are already after me. How is finding the fourth gem ---which is apparently just a prank and has no real hostage-freeing value whatsoever--- going to save me?"

Agent Zoe walked over to the screen, "It will. Trust her"

"Trust her?!", Patricia exclaimed, "She married Dunbar!!"

"I told you that was a long time ago and—"

"I just don't understand... what if—"

"Would you all just lis—"

"What about the sisters? How are we going to find—"


All heads spun towards the blonde spy-turned thief-vigilante-wanted woman...

Barbie and the Spy Squad: Fall in the FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now