Chapter Two: More Questions

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BeedleBEE BeedleBEE BeedleBEE

"Huh...w-haa huh?? What the..."

Barbie's good dreams were disturbed by the shrill sound of her phone. Normally, she wouldn't mind the ringtone, but as she checked its face, 2:00 in the morning wasn't a great time for it to go off.

It was her mother.

She squeezed her eyes shut as she reached for the phone to quell her massive yawn, then foggily answered the phone.

"M-mom? W-what's going on?"

"Barbie, have you heard from your sisters? Or Ken?"

Another huge yawn nearly cracked Barbie's face, but as soon as it finished, she noticed her mother seemed a bit worried. Frazzled, even. Barbie sat up a bit straighter in confusion as she whispered carefully to not wake her roommate next to her.

"No, I haven't heard anything from them since the evening. Skipper texted me something about the color brown a bit before 10:00 my time and then I went to bed right after... Why?"

Now Barbie seemed even more nervous when her dad's face appeared on the phone, equally worried as her mom.

"They went out shopping this evening, but they haven't come home yet. It's been hours. We were just wondering if you heard from them"

What in the?

A pit grew in Barbie's stomach as the dreamy haze lifted from her brain, putting her on edge.

"What do you mean you haven't heard from them? Where are they?"

The parents looked at each other in alarm. Mrs. Roberts turned her tired face back to the phone.

"We don't know..."

Barbie quietly gasped in shock, but her mom continued.

"Your dad and I went out for the evening, so Ken took the girls shopping. We just made it back home a half hour ago from dinner and a movie, but no one is home. We tried calling Skipper and Ken, but no answers. Stacie's phone is on the counter here. Even Ken's parents don't know where he is. We were hoping maybe you would have heard from them at some point", she finished nearly in tears at the lack of new leads.

Mr. Roberts spoke up, "We're very worried. It's late, and it's not like Ken to be out this late with them, especially without calling anyone."

Now, Barbie didn't know what to think... her heart was racing, and her stomach was queasy. Her best friend, the love of her life, was missing along with all of her three sisters.

"I-I don't know... I don't know where they are", she finished quietly, severely worried something was wrong.

Of course, something is wrong... this isn't like Ken! Or my sisters... well, maybe Skip might try to pull something, but she's responsible, too.

Margaret sighed, then tried to contain her worry, "We'll call the police. Maybe someone saw something"

"The police?", Barbie gasped

George nodded, "It's our only plan at this point... we're just... we're just very worried"

Barbie stood up, ignoring the conscientiousness of being quiet, "I'll call, too. Maybe I can figure something out", but then saw her parents' distraught faces and put on a fake smile, "I'm sure they're fine. Ken's responsible. He's brave and looks after them like they're his own sisters. Whatever is going on, I'm sure he's got everything under control and everyone is safe. Maybe they just ran out of gas somewhere and their phones are all out of battery?", she offered helplessly.

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