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Jade woke up and the first thing she felt was the wide and hard chest behind her back–and the warm water she was surrounded with in her giant jacuzzi outside. It was almost sunset, and the sky was turning red with few of the stars already appearing.

"So, you're awake?" She heard the deep voice from behind her and she felt his big hands massaging her back. "I thought you're going to sleep until tomorrow." He grinned as he slipped her arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Hmm, is that a subtle way to say that you're very good?" She giggled at his confidence. It was so refreshing to see someone not pretending to be coy or shy about being good in bed.

"Mm, maybe?" He started to kiss her neck. "What perfume did you use? You smell so good." He sniffed her in an exaggerated manner, making her giggle some more.

"None. Nada. I'm allergic to perfume. I use an incense burner with sandalwood and rose oil at night when I sleep and I wake up smelling like this." She turned around and kissed him. "Why? Do you like how I smell?" She kissed his nose and nuzzled into his neck. "I like yours too."

"Mm, do you also know that a research showed that when two people liked each other's scent, that could mean that they're… soulmates?" Gabriel whispered the word soulmates intimately in Jade's ear, which caused her to shiver. And strangely, it was not an unwelcome feeling.

"So, do you believe in soulmates?" Jade asked him and hooked her hands around his neck–making their faces only a breath apart, and gave him butterfly kisses all over his face.

"Keep doing that, and I will tell you in a minute or so." He smiled and Jade's heart beating faster–seeing his dimples that made him look a lot younger–and somehow… familiar. And a second later he pulled her down and kissed her softly. Very softly. Just like… a lover's kiss.

She could feel her heart beat faster when something hard somehow poked her stomach. She already knew the shape very well, and she craved it. She never wanted anyone this bad–it made her want to have him, and at the same time, ran away from him.

But right now she just wanted to make love to him. Slow, soft, all night–just like this. She preferred to focus on the physical aspect instead of the working of her inner heart. At least not now.

Gabriel was busy kissing Jade–exploring her mouth while his hands roamed everywhere. Was it just last night that they met? It seemed so long ago that he already recognized her scent, her arousal, her weak points, how she loved to kiss him–and vice versa.

"Fuck me, Beau… fuck me slow, all night." Jade sighed between their kisses, and Gabriel paused from the sudden hit of something in his gut. But a second later he resumed the kiss.

He… acknowledged that something was growing within him. Something that he had no power to prevent from going stronger with every minute passed. Something that he wasn't ready to put any label on.

The feeling was so foreign to him, that he suddenly got an anxiety attack, and was only capable of uttering one-word grunt like a neanderthal.

"No condom." He replied in between their kisses. "Hungry."

His brain seemed to have stopped working, but that answer made her chuckle and put her forehead on his while sighing.

"You are really something, you know… the first man to ever reject my offer for sex." She couldn't help but smile fondly at this beautiful human.


His name suited him. Well, his made up name, since she didn't want to crush her fantasy by finding out that his name was actually Tom, Dick or Harry. He deserved a more romantic name–just like Beau.

"You can put it on my tombstone when I die with a raging hard on later." Gabriel chuckled drily. "Here lies the man who died because he rejected an offer of sex from the hottest and most beautiful woman he'd ever known." Of course he wanted to bury his cock inside her now, but he had to stop acting like a neanderthal and start to act like a human. And that should start with some basic manners. It also didn't help that he had started to waver.

"I will make sure that they spell my name right then." She laughed and kissed his forehead and then stood up from the jacuzzi. "Let's eat then, I'm hungry too."

Turned out Gabriel had prepared two steaks and grilled the potatoes before he took Jade into the jacuzzi, and right now, he prepared the shrimp cocktails and simple salad before grilling the steaks and buttered the potatoes.

"You said you would eat anything, right?" He took the bacon bits and mixed it with sour cream, cheese, and spring onion for the stuffing of the baked potatoes.

"Yes." She took the shrimp, dredged it into the spicy mayonnaise and put it into her mouth. "Perfect." She moaned aloud. "You should be my chef, you know."

And as soon as the words flew out of her mouth, she realized that she truly wanted that–him, standing there at her kitchen, cooking for her, and then making love to her at night, or in the morning when she woke up. And when she came back from her job, he could massage her and take care of her just like he did for her now.

And also as soon as the fantasies started, she quickly put a stop to them because she didn't want it to go over her head and make her look weak. She had no time for romance, and she didn't want to.

How could she?

She did it once and looked where it got her.

But she had a feeling that this was something that she couldn't put a stop on that easily, no matter how hard she tried. What was it called? That… je ne sais quoi feeling.

"Do you want me to be your chef?" Gabriel quirked his brow in question. He was surprised to hear the offer, but dismissed it as a joke–although he couldn't help but wonder what it was like to go home to someone who was waiting for him, ready and eager to make love. Someone whom he didn't mind staying in his bed–for the unforeseeable future.

Hmm… weird.

This was the first time in his life that he wanted to be with someone more than once, not counting Irina. She was… convenient. That's all.

He was suspicious if Christina really knew him that well, because she practically picked the perfect woman for him–even though she knew he liked meek blondes. This… Jade, was the exact opposite of what he was used to, strangely, he didn't mind at all. He even wished that five days would go very slowly so that he could spend some more time with this goddess. And maybe got to know her more.

Now that he had tasted this wild woman, he wondered if he could go back to his previous preference. No, scratch that. He wondered if he'd be able to sleep with anyone else again.

Then he shook his head to try to clear it off the impossible daydream. He was emotionally unavailable–literally–not to mention his responsibility, which would happen as soon as his time in this paradise was over.

And although he suddenly felt a sharp pang in his heart because he knew that his time with her was limited–and she would never be his anyway–he intended to make every moment with her count.

Those memories should last him for a very long time.

Or maybe… Maybe if somehow everything had settled down… he could find her again.

And then what?

He would already have a wife then, and it was not his style to cheat even though he knew that he wouldn't be able to love anyone–ever. And he knew that she deserved more than just…this.

He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't realize that instead of answering his question, Jade sneaked out and now came back with a surprise.

He put the scorching hot baked potatoes on each plate and piling up the topping when he heard a rustle behind him that made his instinct kick in and he quickly turned around–ready for whatever it was.

Instead of finding out that an enemy or two had sneaked in, he saw the most perfect scene straight out of his wet dreams. He couldn't breathe for a minute there, when he heard the teasing lilt of the perfect French accent from the woman he just pondered his life over with.

"Êtes-vous prêt pour moi?"

Dangerous Liaison 🔞 (Femme Fatale#1)Where stories live. Discover now