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Irina looked around her surroundings with wary in her eyes.

After she was taken with force from the place where they held the auction, the men in black brought her here and told her to stay put until the man in charge came.

The place that she was being held at was an apartment in the middle of a lower class neighborhood where she wouldn't be caught dead walking into. Yet surprisingly, the place was nice and clean–except for some suspicious stain on the dark carpet near the living room couch.

Next, she heard a quiet shuffle of shoes against the carpet and the front door opened to reveal the beautiful Japanese man who talked to her before telling the others to bring her here.

Irina looked around at her captors, two men who spoke in French and a Japanese man, who spoke flawless French and English. The man was very handsome and had this aura of someone in charge, and it looked like he was the one who gave orders to the others.

They asked her about her intention in giving Gabriel Kudou a poison, since they were able to retrieve the still intact half bottle and tested to find that it contained a deadly nerve agent that would kill anyone who consumed it within half a day by wrecking and liquefying their inside.

She panicked.

She only knew that it was supposed to be a very strong aphrodisiac, not poison! But how could she tell this man about the plan, and Kyosuke's involvement, when she didn't even know who these people were?

A second later, the handsome man looked at his vibrating phone and he stood up and walked to the door to open it.

Irina couldn't see who was coming but she heard people speaking Japanese and she heard the sound of footsteps walking toward their direction. She was panicked, thinking that someone would probably come and kill her, and she closed her eyes and curled up on the couch where she was sitting, afraid of what's coming next.

But then what happened next was really out of her expectation, because she heard a familiar voice talking softly to her.

"Irina Petrovska. We meet again."

She froze, and she lifted her eyes to see the devilishly handsome face of Akito Moreau, who sat in front of her with a smile on his face.

And that's when she knew that she's literally fucked.

Akito Moreau might look like a nice and easy person who cared for nothing except banging pretty women and men. And god knew how many of them he had slept with. He also loved expensive stuff and all the worldly things that a man with his level of fortune could buy. Like cars, gadgets, and all the boy's toys he wanted. In short, he looked like he was just your average billionaire chaebols who loved to indulge in hedonism.

But Kyosuke had warned her to stay away from him as far as possible and did not engage except absolutely necessary, because Akito Moreau was the incarnation of the Devil himself. He didn't explain, but if Kyosuke Kudou was afraid of someone–which he never was, with the exception of Gabriel–Irina knew that this man must be very dangerous.

And now, sitting in front of said man, Irina Petrovska–for the first time in her life–felt what true fear was.

Akito didn't even speak in a threatening way, nor did he act aggressive like a thug, but she felt like she was suffocated by his sharp gaze and very very cold tone of voice.

"Mr. Moreau, I can explain… I–" She was trembling from the deep fear and it caused her words to be stunted.

"Please, call me Akito." He smiled and took out a slim case of cigarettes, put it on a long onyx filter, and the handsome man before him pulled out a platinum lighter with Alexandrite stone on it to light the cigarette. "Merci, Rui." Then he offered the cigarette to Irina–who took one and Rui lit it too.

"So, Irina. Tell me. Who gave you the poison? Was it Kyosuke?" He puffed out the smoke and the handsome man, Rui, took an ashtray for him to put the ash on.

Irina's body was shaking so hard, her cigarette almost dropped out of her hand. She didn't know how to respond to the question because she was afraid of Kyosuke, but this person scared her more. So it's a matter of survival for her.

But then she thought about Hana.

If she told Akito the truth, would he be able to help her and Hana away from Kyosuke's clutch?

She took a moment to decide and she finally gave up. Maybe it's better to deal with the devil rather than being strung up like this without knowing when the other shoe was going to drop.

"I want a deal." She spoke with tremor in her voice after she inhaled and exhaled the smoke for quite some time.

"A deal?" Akita quirked his brow. "Do I look like a lawyer to you?" He looked at her incredulously, like she was just sprouting a third eye or something.

"No. But you are more than that. You are the devil and I'm willing to tell you everything I know about everything if you help me get my Hana back safely."

He had kept an eye on Kyosuke ever since he tried to rape his sister five years ago, and he compiled enough evidence to get rid of him. He also knew Kyosuke had taken Irina from the ditch she was living in around three years ago, and changed her into this stereotype that Gabriel liked, and he thought that it was one of his cheap ploy to get rid of Gabriel.

But Hana?

Hana was a Japanese name, and there was nothing in the files about anyone named Hana.

"I'm… flattered that you call me the Devil." He chuckled at her. "And who's Hana?" He never heard about anyone named Hana who's connected to Irina Petrovska. But he had a suspicion from the way Irina looked right now, with tears streamed down her face.

"My two years old daughter."

Akito looked at her with a calculating look on his face.

Kyosuke took her from the street three years ago and her daughter is two years old. Even a stupid man could put two and two together and deduced from the timeline easily. Just like he did. Plus added that Kyosuke was a super disgusting and perverted man whom he would be glad to get rid of without anyone knowing. No one would miss him anyway, especially now that Akira was engaged to Gabriel. Maybe he should contact Roarke–his most trusted fixer–to do it.

"Is she Kyosuke's daughter?"

"No! She's mine!" Irina cried helplessly now. She was so desperate to get her daughter back, even though she was the product of a rape and Kyosuke's way to imprison her, to do his bidding, but she loved Hana dearly. She was her whole world. "But yes, that… fucking beast is her sperm donor."


This was a surprising news for Akito, because even his spies didn't find anything about the child. It showed that Kyosuke Kudou had hidden the child very carefully. Probaby for a nefarious purpose.

"Tell me more about everything, and we will see if you are still within redemption, Irina Petrovska."

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