12• After Jealousy.

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Jeremy was somewhere he hasn't been for years. At a bar.

He just felt like drowning all the pain in alcohol after Scarlett's revelation. He would lie if he claimed that he didn't cry his eyes out for hours and hours after she had left.

She was pregnant. Scarlett was pregnant four years ago. She was carrying Jeremy's child at just nineteen and he had left her. The pain, the loneliness, the struggles led her to loss her child and he wasn't there for her. Instead, Mike was. Like the damn night in shinning armor was.

Jeremy swallowed another glass of vodka. As he did, he could feel the burning sensation on his tongue all the way down to his throat and his stomach still unable to remove Scarlett's words from his mind.

Mike really merited Scarlett. He was kind and all and was there for her the day she had that miscarriage. Maybe he would make her happy. Damn, of course he would.

Today was a shit day, a horrible day. In fact, the worst day of his life and he didn't intend it to go that way. Scarlett wasn't supposed to tell him about that child, he wasn't supposed to realize how good Saco Mike happened to be, he wasn't supposed to be seated at the corner of a bar drinking.

"You had a miscarriage?"

Scarlett brought her lower lip in her mouth biting it while vainly trying to hold back the tears. "When I went to Paris for the competition I was very sick. I spent my time vomiting, fainting and all the like. I never knew I was pregnant but when I got into the hospital and they announced it to me I was shocked. Having a baby and becoming a mother was my greatest dream back then and though I was only nineteen it won't have bothered me if the father of my child was by my side- If you were by my side. But you weren't."

"I never knew you could have called me," Jeremy said trying to defend himself.

"Really? After what you did to me I would have called you so that you break my heart once again by denying me and my child ? You wanted me to hear you saying that this child wasn't yours?"

"I would have never said that."

"Yes, like you would have never also broken my heart, scream at me, humiliate me."

Jeremy cupped his face in both hands and falls on the ground just in front of the bed realizing that he hadn't just messed up four years ago he had totally fucked up, ruined everything, shattered dreams and hope.

"Who knows about it?"

"Keira. Only Keira. I didn't want my mum and Nathanaël to hear about it and force you to come back to me while I knew you didn't want to."

"And how did you--"

Scarlett cleared her throat.

"Four months later I was in Nice and was alone at home. My friends Paola and Stephanie were at the final and there was no one there. And I wanted to grab this thing... And I just lost balance and fell on my stomach. The pain and fear was unbearable. I was bleeding and though I am not a doctor like you I knew my baby was in danger, but there was no one so I dragged myself to the phone and called the emergency and they came, but it was too late. While I was breaking down Paola and Stephanie came back all beautiful and Stephanie held a bouquet of flowers implying that she had worn, but her smile immediately faded when saw me. She cried and so did Paola. I knew them for four months only, but they were already more than a family for me."

"Scarlett, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry I made you go through all this." Jeremy apologized not looking at her and Scarlett smiled.

"When I said you made me go through hell and back I wasn't just saying it in a metaphor way you really did. It was as if when you got out of my life you pulled everything that made me happy along with you. I was depressed after that I had nightmares and panic attack. Each time I close my eyes all I could see were babies and when I'm not asleep and see a pregnant woman, I just break down again."

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